Kami perusahaan manufaktur membutuhkan SDM untuk bagian
1) Web Programmer
- Minimal D3 Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Informatika
- Menguasai PHP, Javascript, MySQL
- Berpengalaman membuat aplikasi berbasis web based
- Bisa mengoperasikan aplikasi Photoshop, Macromedia
2) IT Administrator
- Minimal S1 Komputer / Teknik Informatika
- Menguasai Linux Server (RedHat,CentOS)
- Berpengalaman dalam LTSP Server
- Berpengalaman dalam setting Squid,DHCP,Apache,MySQL,Postfix
- Menguasai Networking
Kirimkan aplikasi beserta dokumen pendukung ke
HRD PT Langgeng Makmur Industri Tbk Unit 2
Jl Raya Surabaya - Mojokerto Km 19
ato via email : jobs@langgeng.com
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1) Web Programmer
- Minimal D3 Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Informatika
- Menguasai PHP, Javascript, MySQL
- Berpengalaman membuat aplikasi berbasis web based
- Bisa mengoperasikan aplikasi Photoshop, Macromedia
2) IT Administrator
- Minimal S1 Komputer / Teknik Informatika
- Menguasai Linux Server (RedHat,CentOS)
- Berpengalaman dalam LTSP Server
- Berpengalaman dalam setting Squid,DHCP,Apache,MySQL,Postfix
- Menguasai Networking
Kirimkan aplikasi beserta dokumen pendukung ke
HRD PT Langgeng Makmur Industri Tbk Unit 2
Jl Raya Surabaya - Mojokerto Km 19
ato via email : jobs@langgeng.com
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Nama Perusahaan : RS. Mitra Internasional
Deskripsi : RS Mitra Internasional [RSMI] adalah rumah sakit swasta yang hadir dan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan sejak tanggal 25 Maret 1989.
Berlokasi di Jakarta Timur, RSMI menyediakan layanan kesehatan yang beragam mulai dari pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala hingga layanan operasi.
Layanan yang diberikan di RSMI berbasis pada layanan Satu Atap dimana konsultasi dokter, pemeriksaan penunjang, tindakan operatif, layanan rawat inap hingga post rawat inap dapat dilakukan di RSMI. Hal tersebut memungkinkan RSMI menjadi rumah sakit rujukan bagi dokter ataupun rumah sakit di daerah DKI Jakarta pada khususnya dan seluruh Indonesia pada umumnya.
Lowongan untuk : 1. DRIVER (PENGEMUDI/SOPIR)
Persyaratan : Persyaratan Umum :
- Pria (1,3 dan 4)
- Wanita (2, 3 dan 4)
- Pendidikan min. SMU (1),
- Pendidikan min. D3 Semua Jurusan (2),
- Pendidikan min. D3 Keperawatan (3), D3/S1 (4)
- Pengalaman Kerja di bidang yang sama min.1 tahun (1, 3 dan 4)
- Mempunyai Interpersonal skill yang baik
- Customer Oriented
Persyaratan Khusus :
- Mempunyai SIM A ( 1)
- Mempunyai S.I.P (Surat Izin Perawat) (3)
- Memiliki Kemampuan Hitung yang baik (4)
- Memiliki Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (2, 3 dan 4)
Alamat Surat, dsb : Jika anda/rekan/saudara anda tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, kirimkan lamaran anda secara lengkap disertai pasphoto terbaru ukuran 4x6 (cantumkan posisi yang dilamar disudut kanan atas) paling lambat tanggal 15 Januari 2009, ditujukan ke :
HRD - RS Mitra Internasional
Jl. Jatinegara Timur No. 85-87
Jakarta 13310
email : recruitment-rsmi@ramsayhealth.co.id
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 15 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : RS Mitra Internasional [RSMI] adalah rumah sakit swasta yang hadir dan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan sejak tanggal 25 Maret 1989.
Berlokasi di Jakarta Timur, RSMI menyediakan layanan kesehatan yang beragam mulai dari pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala hingga layanan operasi.
Layanan yang diberikan di RSMI berbasis pada layanan Satu Atap dimana konsultasi dokter, pemeriksaan penunjang, tindakan operatif, layanan rawat inap hingga post rawat inap dapat dilakukan di RSMI. Hal tersebut memungkinkan RSMI menjadi rumah sakit rujukan bagi dokter ataupun rumah sakit di daerah DKI Jakarta pada khususnya dan seluruh Indonesia pada umumnya.
Lowongan untuk : 1. DRIVER (PENGEMUDI/SOPIR)
Persyaratan : Persyaratan Umum :
- Pria (1,3 dan 4)
- Wanita (2, 3 dan 4)
- Pendidikan min. SMU (1),
- Pendidikan min. D3 Semua Jurusan (2),
- Pendidikan min. D3 Keperawatan (3), D3/S1 (4)
- Pengalaman Kerja di bidang yang sama min.1 tahun (1, 3 dan 4)
- Mempunyai Interpersonal skill yang baik
- Customer Oriented
Persyaratan Khusus :
- Mempunyai SIM A ( 1)
- Mempunyai S.I.P (Surat Izin Perawat) (3)
- Memiliki Kemampuan Hitung yang baik (4)
- Memiliki Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (2, 3 dan 4)
Alamat Surat, dsb : Jika anda/rekan/saudara anda tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, kirimkan lamaran anda secara lengkap disertai pasphoto terbaru ukuran 4x6 (cantumkan posisi yang dilamar disudut kanan atas) paling lambat tanggal 15 Januari 2009, ditujukan ke :
HRD - RS Mitra Internasional
Jl. Jatinegara Timur No. 85-87
Jakarta 13310
email : recruitment-rsmi@ramsayhealth.co.id
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 15 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Nama Perusahaan : PT. UCOM Telematic
Deskripsi : Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang Elektronik&Otomotif
Alamat : Taman Palem Mutiara Blok C.2 N.1 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
No. Telp. : 021-5435 620, 91309574
fax : 021-54356251
Lowongan untuk : 1. Sales Marketing
2. Tekhnisi
Lokasi Kerja di : Jabotabek & Sekitarnya
Persyaratan : 1. Sales Marketing (SM)
- Pria/Wanita berpenampilan menarik
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA sederajat
- Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan sendiri
2. Tekhnisi (TK)
- Pria
- Pendidikan Minimal STM
- Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan sendiri
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
HRD PT. UCOM Telematic
Ruko Taman Palem Mutiara
Blok C2 No.1 Cengkareng
Jakarta Barat
Atau via email ke :
hubungi 081513784010
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
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Deskripsi : Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang Elektronik&Otomotif
Alamat : Taman Palem Mutiara Blok C.2 N.1 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
No. Telp. : 021-5435 620, 91309574
fax : 021-54356251
Lowongan untuk : 1. Sales Marketing
2. Tekhnisi
Lokasi Kerja di : Jabotabek & Sekitarnya
Persyaratan : 1. Sales Marketing (SM)
- Pria/Wanita berpenampilan menarik
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA sederajat
- Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan sendiri
2. Tekhnisi (TK)
- Pria
- Pendidikan Minimal STM
- Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan sendiri
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
HRD PT. UCOM Telematic
Ruko Taman Palem Mutiara
Blok C2 No.1 Cengkareng
Jakarta Barat
Atau via email ke :
hubungi 081513784010
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
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Nama Perusahaan : PT. Cahaya Perdana Transalam
Deskripsi : Kami Perusahaan Group bergerak di bidang “Integrated Marine Logistic” membutuhkan segera Karyawan Untuk angkutan laut.
Alamat : Batam
Lowongan untuk : 1. Mualim (ML)
2. Masinis (MS)
3. Kepala Kamar Mesin (KKM)
4. Nahkoda (NK)
Lokasi Kerja di : Batam (Kepri)
Persyaratan : 1. Mualim (ML) : Sertifikat ANT V, Laki-laki
2. Masinis (MS) :Sertifikat ATT V, Laki-laki
3. Kepala Kamar Mesin (KKM) : Sertifikat ATT IV / V, Laki-laki
4. Nahkoda (NK) : Sertifikat ANT IV / V, Laki-laki
Alamat Surat, dsb : KIrim Lamaran( dengan Kode), D.Riwayat Hidup, Keterangan Kesehatan dan Pas Photo
Jl. Seraya Bawah No.3
Atau e-mail : hrd@cpt.co.id
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 26 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : Kami Perusahaan Group bergerak di bidang “Integrated Marine Logistic” membutuhkan segera Karyawan Untuk angkutan laut.
Alamat : Batam
Lowongan untuk : 1. Mualim (ML)
2. Masinis (MS)
3. Kepala Kamar Mesin (KKM)
4. Nahkoda (NK)
Lokasi Kerja di : Batam (Kepri)
Persyaratan : 1. Mualim (ML) : Sertifikat ANT V, Laki-laki
2. Masinis (MS) :Sertifikat ATT V, Laki-laki
3. Kepala Kamar Mesin (KKM) : Sertifikat ATT IV / V, Laki-laki
4. Nahkoda (NK) : Sertifikat ANT IV / V, Laki-laki
Alamat Surat, dsb : KIrim Lamaran( dengan Kode), D.Riwayat Hidup, Keterangan Kesehatan dan Pas Photo
Jl. Seraya Bawah No.3
Atau e-mail : hrd@cpt.co.id
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 26 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Nama Perusahaan : PT. Electrica Sentosa Tech
Deskripsi : Perusahaan bergerak dalam bidang manufakturing, skala nasional, sedang mengadakan ekpansi pabrik baru di daerah Cikarang.
Lowongan untuk : 1. Manager Engineering (ME)
2. Supervisor Boiler (SB)
3. Supervisor Instrument (SI)
Lokasi Kerja di : Cikarang - Bekasi
Persyaratan : 1. Manager Engineering (ME)
- Memiliki jiwa memimpin, Leadershif yang kuat, mengerti Elektronik, Listrik, Boiler, Bengkel, Permesinan
- Dapat berbahasa inggris dengan baik (Lisan & Tulisan)
- Dapat membuat perencanaan, Budgeting
- Umur Minimal 30 Tahun
- Pengalaman Kerja : Minimal 5 Tahun
- Bersedia tinggal didaerah Cikarang
- Pendidikan : D3 / S1 Teknik elektro, instrumentasi, listrik, mesin, komputer
2. Supervisor Boiler (SB)
- Mengerti Steam Boiler Batu Bara 15 Ton
- Mengerti Kualitas Batu bara
- Dapat memperbaiki Boiler
- Pengalaman : Minimal 3 Tahun
- Pendidikan : D3 / S1 Mesin, elektro,
- Umur Minimal 28 Tahun
- Bersedia tinggal di Cikarang
3. Supervisor Instrument (SI)
- Mengerti Instrumentasi, elektronik, PLC Siemens S7-300, Inverter, SCADA Wonder-Ware
- Lebih disukai memiliki SIB Radiasi Gama Industri
- Umur minimal 23 tahun
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
- Pendidikan d3 / S1 elektronik, instrumentasi, elektronika terapan, telekomunikasi
- Bersedia tinggal di Cikarang
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via email (tidak lebih 500kb)
(tulis kode lowongan)
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 26 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : Perusahaan bergerak dalam bidang manufakturing, skala nasional, sedang mengadakan ekpansi pabrik baru di daerah Cikarang.
Lowongan untuk : 1. Manager Engineering (ME)
2. Supervisor Boiler (SB)
3. Supervisor Instrument (SI)
Lokasi Kerja di : Cikarang - Bekasi
Persyaratan : 1. Manager Engineering (ME)
- Memiliki jiwa memimpin, Leadershif yang kuat, mengerti Elektronik, Listrik, Boiler, Bengkel, Permesinan
- Dapat berbahasa inggris dengan baik (Lisan & Tulisan)
- Dapat membuat perencanaan, Budgeting
- Umur Minimal 30 Tahun
- Pengalaman Kerja : Minimal 5 Tahun
- Bersedia tinggal didaerah Cikarang
- Pendidikan : D3 / S1 Teknik elektro, instrumentasi, listrik, mesin, komputer
2. Supervisor Boiler (SB)
- Mengerti Steam Boiler Batu Bara 15 Ton
- Mengerti Kualitas Batu bara
- Dapat memperbaiki Boiler
- Pengalaman : Minimal 3 Tahun
- Pendidikan : D3 / S1 Mesin, elektro,
- Umur Minimal 28 Tahun
- Bersedia tinggal di Cikarang
3. Supervisor Instrument (SI)
- Mengerti Instrumentasi, elektronik, PLC Siemens S7-300, Inverter, SCADA Wonder-Ware
- Lebih disukai memiliki SIB Radiasi Gama Industri
- Umur minimal 23 tahun
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
- Pendidikan d3 / S1 elektronik, instrumentasi, elektronika terapan, telekomunikasi
- Bersedia tinggal di Cikarang
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via email (tidak lebih 500kb)
(tulis kode lowongan)
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 26 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Nama Perusahaan : Pena Media Creativindo
Deskripsi : Pena Media Creativindo is a growing company specializing in professional copywriting. We are looking for passionate and talented freelance writers to help us expand our company.
We are looking for passionate and talented Full-Time writers to help us expand our company. Copywriting will be required for the following but not limited.
Lowongan untuk : 1. Website content
2. Direct marketing material
3. Product reviews
Lokasi Kerja di : Surabaya and Jakarta
Persyaratan : 1. Candidate should be fluent in English, with a minimum TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS of 7 on writing category.
2. Candidate should possess strong journalistic skills and can write in an engaging and entertaining voice.
3. Candidate should have full-time Internet access.
4. Candidate should be passionate and willing to learn new things.
5. Candidate with experience in journalism is preferred.
6. Candidate with bachelor degree in English major is preferred.
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
Pena Media Creativindo
Jl. Jambangan Viic/17
Atau via email ke : theprofessorlocked@yahoo.com
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 10 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : Pena Media Creativindo is a growing company specializing in professional copywriting. We are looking for passionate and talented freelance writers to help us expand our company.
We are looking for passionate and talented Full-Time writers to help us expand our company. Copywriting will be required for the following but not limited.
Lowongan untuk : 1. Website content
2. Direct marketing material
3. Product reviews
Lokasi Kerja di : Surabaya and Jakarta
Persyaratan : 1. Candidate should be fluent in English, with a minimum TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS of 7 on writing category.
2. Candidate should possess strong journalistic skills and can write in an engaging and entertaining voice.
3. Candidate should have full-time Internet access.
4. Candidate should be passionate and willing to learn new things.
5. Candidate with experience in journalism is preferred.
6. Candidate with bachelor degree in English major is preferred.
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
Pena Media Creativindo
Jl. Jambangan Viic/17
Atau via email ke : theprofessorlocked@yahoo.com
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 10 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 26 Des 2008
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Nama Perusahaan : PT. Gunung Gilead
Deskripsi : Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur
Alamat :
Jl. Pertamina 77, Desa Sumberrame Kecamatan Wringinanom
Gresik - Jawa Timur
No. Telp. : .031-8990077
Lowongan untuk : 1. Staff Keuangan
Lokasi Kerja di : Gresik
Persyaratan : - Wanita, pendidikan min D2 segala jurusan
- IPK Min 3.00
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Komunikatif
Alamat Surat, dsb : HRD PT. GUNUNG GILEAD
Jl. Pertamina 77, Desa Sumberrame Kecamatan Wringinanom
Gresik - Jawa Timur
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 31 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 27 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur
Alamat :
Jl. Pertamina 77, Desa Sumberrame Kecamatan Wringinanom
Gresik - Jawa Timur
No. Telp. : .031-8990077
Lowongan untuk : 1. Staff Keuangan
Lokasi Kerja di : Gresik
Persyaratan : - Wanita, pendidikan min D2 segala jurusan
- IPK Min 3.00
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Komunikatif
Alamat Surat, dsb : HRD PT. GUNUNG GILEAD
Jl. Pertamina 77, Desa Sumberrame Kecamatan Wringinanom
Gresik - Jawa Timur
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 31 Jan 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 27 Des 2008
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Nama Perusahaan : PT. Intrapenta Jaya Sakti
Deskripsi : Sebuah perusahaan trading yang bergerak di bidang industri kulit untuk furniture dan sepatu. Mempunyai basis customer di seluruh kota-kota besar di Indonesia.
Lowongan untuk : Product Consultant
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta
Persyaratan :
* Wanita, max. 30 tahun, min. ijasah S1 dari segala jurusan
* Mempunyai pengalaman kerja minimum 1 tahun di bidang sales/marketing/customer service
* Lebih disukai yang mempunyai latar belakang di bidang interior design
* Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan spreadsheet.
* Proaktif dan mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
* Seorang tim player yang baik dan mempunyai kemampuan negosiasi yang handal.
* Berintegritas, jujur dan bersedia menghadapi tantangan
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran lengkap ke :
PT. Intrapenta Jaya Sakti
Attn : Ibu Clara (HRD)
Komplek Citta Graha
Jl. Panjang No. 26 Blok 2L
Jakarta 11520
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 27 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 27 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : Sebuah perusahaan trading yang bergerak di bidang industri kulit untuk furniture dan sepatu. Mempunyai basis customer di seluruh kota-kota besar di Indonesia.
Lowongan untuk : Product Consultant
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta
Persyaratan :
* Wanita, max. 30 tahun, min. ijasah S1 dari segala jurusan
* Mempunyai pengalaman kerja minimum 1 tahun di bidang sales/marketing/customer service
* Lebih disukai yang mempunyai latar belakang di bidang interior design
* Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan spreadsheet.
* Proaktif dan mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
* Seorang tim player yang baik dan mempunyai kemampuan negosiasi yang handal.
* Berintegritas, jujur dan bersedia menghadapi tantangan
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran lengkap ke :
PT. Intrapenta Jaya Sakti
Attn : Ibu Clara (HRD)
Komplek Citta Graha
Jl. Panjang No. 26 Blok 2L
Jakarta 11520
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 27 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 27 Des 2008
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Nama Perusahaan : PT. Mandiri Artha Jaya
Deskripsi : pt. mandiri artha jaya
perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang general trading, export-import, contractor, dan jasa consultan bisnis sedang mengembagkan bisnis dibeberapa wilayah di indonesia membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga yang siap untuk menjadi karyawan untuk ditempakan di cabang-cabang yang telah dibuka,untuk saat ini dibutuhkan tenaga untuk di cabang depok dan bogor
Lowongan untuk : 1. duta
2. koordinator
3. supervisor
4. receptionist
5. trainer
6. branch manager
Lokasi Kerja di : depok/ bogor
Persyaratan : 1. pria / wanita 18 s/d 50 tahun
2. min. smu / sederajat s/d s1
3. pengalaman / non pengalaman
4. diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah depok dan bogor
5. mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
6. loyalitas tinggi
7. performance rapi
8. memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
Alamat Surat, dsb : datang langsung interview ke mandiri artha jaya
jl. margonda raya no.1 ruko depok batavia lantai 2&3
hubungi bp. jamal mulyana s.h (hrd manager) / 021-99966277 atau sms data profile ke 085694451260 atau e-mail ke jayasantoso83@yahoo.com
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 28 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 28 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : pt. mandiri artha jaya
perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang general trading, export-import, contractor, dan jasa consultan bisnis sedang mengembagkan bisnis dibeberapa wilayah di indonesia membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga yang siap untuk menjadi karyawan untuk ditempakan di cabang-cabang yang telah dibuka,untuk saat ini dibutuhkan tenaga untuk di cabang depok dan bogor
Lowongan untuk : 1. duta
2. koordinator
3. supervisor
4. receptionist
5. trainer
6. branch manager
Lokasi Kerja di : depok/ bogor
Persyaratan : 1. pria / wanita 18 s/d 50 tahun
2. min. smu / sederajat s/d s1
3. pengalaman / non pengalaman
4. diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah depok dan bogor
5. mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
6. loyalitas tinggi
7. performance rapi
8. memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
Alamat Surat, dsb : datang langsung interview ke mandiri artha jaya
jl. margonda raya no.1 ruko depok batavia lantai 2&3
hubungi bp. jamal mulyana s.h (hrd manager) / 021-99966277 atau sms data profile ke 085694451260 atau e-mail ke jayasantoso83@yahoo.com
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 28 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 28 Des 2008
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Nama Perusahaan : PT. Surya Pratama
Deskripsi : Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang design grafis & digital printing.
Alamat : .Jl. Dewi sartika no. 16 Jaktim
No. Telp. : 021 8091152, 021 98021744
Lowongan untuk : 1. Design grafis (DG)
2. Operator digital printing (ODP)
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta
Persyaratan : 1. Design grafis
- Pria, pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA (D3 lebih diutamakan)
2. Operator digital printing
- Pria, Pengalaman lebih diutamakan
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA semua jurusan
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
HRD PT. Surya Pratama
Jl. Dewi Sartika no. 16
Jakarta Timur (cantumkan kode lamaran)
Atau via email ke : suryapratamadigital@yahoo.com
atau hubungi ...021 8091152 - 021 98021744
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 28 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 28 Des 2008
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Deskripsi : Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang design grafis & digital printing.
Alamat : .Jl. Dewi sartika no. 16 Jaktim
No. Telp. : 021 8091152, 021 98021744
Lowongan untuk : 1. Design grafis (DG)
2. Operator digital printing (ODP)
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta
Persyaratan : 1. Design grafis
- Pria, pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA (D3 lebih diutamakan)
2. Operator digital printing
- Pria, Pengalaman lebih diutamakan
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA semua jurusan
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
HRD PT. Surya Pratama
Jl. Dewi Sartika no. 16
Jakarta Timur (cantumkan kode lamaran)
Atau via email ke : suryapratamadigital@yahoo.com
atau hubungi ...021 8091152 - 021 98021744
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 28 Feb 2009 --- iklan dipasang tgl 28 Des 2008
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Throughout the years, we at FG Group of Companies are constantly helping to change the shape of the world of packaging machineries. With our global operation expansion in our Group of Companies for Surabaya & Jakarta region, we are inviting the prospect candidate who wants to pursue a better future by applying these following positions:
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Mastering in Solid Works 2007/2008 or 3D Mechanical Design Software (will be tested)
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta - Indonesia
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering / Control Engineer with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Knowledge in PLC Human Machine Interface (HMI) is necessary
* Mastering in PLC program such as Siemens
* Mastering in Electric Engineering Software
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* Able to work under pressure and ready for service traveling
* To be stationed in Surabaya / Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 24-30 years old
* Bachelor Degree of any discipline with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must & Mandarin languages is preferred
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in packaging machinery
* Experience working as Sales Manager would be an advantage
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Receptive to change / new ways of thinking
* Able to work under pressure and ready for sales traveling
* Has driving license A and C, posses owned transportation is preferred
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 25 ~ 35 years old / Single
* Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Good knowledge on Computer software MS Project
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in project
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Receptive to change/new ways of thinking & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
Please send your complete CV
by the latest January 20, 2008
to e-mail address: recruitment.fgi@gmail.com
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* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Mastering in Solid Works 2007/2008 or 3D Mechanical Design Software (will be tested)
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta - Indonesia
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering / Control Engineer with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Knowledge in PLC Human Machine Interface (HMI) is necessary
* Mastering in PLC program such as Siemens
* Mastering in Electric Engineering Software
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* Able to work under pressure and ready for service traveling
* To be stationed in Surabaya / Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 24-30 years old
* Bachelor Degree of any discipline with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must & Mandarin languages is preferred
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in packaging machinery
* Experience working as Sales Manager would be an advantage
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Receptive to change / new ways of thinking
* Able to work under pressure and ready for sales traveling
* Has driving license A and C, posses owned transportation is preferred
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 25 ~ 35 years old / Single
* Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Good knowledge on Computer software MS Project
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in project
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Receptive to change/new ways of thinking & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
Please send your complete CV
by the latest January 20, 2008
to e-mail address: recruitment.fgi@gmail.com
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PT Novell Pharmaceutical - As one of the well established and an aggressive pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, we are in process of expanding our market in Indonesia and overseas with innovative products. In line with that we are looking for a dynamic, self motivated and talented people to fill in the position as :
Programmer ( PRG )
Requirements :
* Diploma/Bachelor degree in Information Technology or Information Management.
* Fresh graduate or with some experience.
* Max. 27 years old. Have a good knowledge and skill in programming language (C#.NET, MSSQL, Java, J2SE, J2EE, J2ME, PHP, MySQL, AJAX).
* Independent, initiative and willing to work hard.
System Analyst ( SA )
Qualifications :
* Bachelor degree in Information Technology or Management Information, with GPA min 3,00.
* Male, max 30 years old, with experience in the same position min 2 years.
* Have a good knowledge about Information Technology, Analytical Technique, System Design and skill programming language (FoxPro, VF, VB, PHP, SQL Server, My SQL).
* Well known about business role. Good communication, independent, initiative, and willing to work with deadline.
Assisting FA Manager for managing all aspects of Accounting in the company.
Requirements :
* Bachelor degree in Accounting.
* Female, max 33 years old, with min 2 years in Supervisor level.
* Have a good knowledge in Accounting, preferable experience in Manufacturing Company.
* Good command in English.
* Analytical, independent, and computer literate.
Requirements :
* Graduate as a Pharmacist, Medical background, Bachelor degree in Biology or Pharmacy
* Max 28 years old
* Analytical, dynamic, and independent
* Computer literate and good command in English
* Able to work under pressure, with deadline and target
* Have an experience as Medical Representative in another Pharmaceutical company is a plus
Please send your application letter, CV with available phone number and recent photograph to :
HRD Department
PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
Jl. Limo No. 42 A-B
Permata Hijau, Jakarta 12220
Please indicate on the envelope the code of position applied for.
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Programmer ( PRG )
Requirements :
* Diploma/Bachelor degree in Information Technology or Information Management.
* Fresh graduate or with some experience.
* Max. 27 years old. Have a good knowledge and skill in programming language (C#.NET, MSSQL, Java, J2SE, J2EE, J2ME, PHP, MySQL, AJAX).
* Independent, initiative and willing to work hard.
System Analyst ( SA )
Qualifications :
* Bachelor degree in Information Technology or Management Information, with GPA min 3,00.
* Male, max 30 years old, with experience in the same position min 2 years.
* Have a good knowledge about Information Technology, Analytical Technique, System Design and skill programming language (FoxPro, VF, VB, PHP, SQL Server, My SQL).
* Well known about business role. Good communication, independent, initiative, and willing to work with deadline.
Assisting FA Manager for managing all aspects of Accounting in the company.
Requirements :
* Bachelor degree in Accounting.
* Female, max 33 years old, with min 2 years in Supervisor level.
* Have a good knowledge in Accounting, preferable experience in Manufacturing Company.
* Good command in English.
* Analytical, independent, and computer literate.
Requirements :
* Graduate as a Pharmacist, Medical background, Bachelor degree in Biology or Pharmacy
* Max 28 years old
* Analytical, dynamic, and independent
* Computer literate and good command in English
* Able to work under pressure, with deadline and target
* Have an experience as Medical Representative in another Pharmaceutical company is a plus
Please send your application letter, CV with available phone number and recent photograph to :
HRD Department
PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
Jl. Limo No. 42 A-B
Permata Hijau, Jakarta 12220
Please indicate on the envelope the code of position applied for.
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PT Fillomatic Global Industries - Throughout the years, we at FG Group of Companies are constantly helping to change the shape of the world of packaging machineries. With our global operation expansion in our Group of Companies for Surabaya & Jakarta region, we are inviting the prospect candidate who wants to pursue a better future by applying these following positions:
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Mastering in Solid Works 2007/2008 or 3D Mechanical Design Software (will be tested)
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta - Indonesia
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering / Control Engineer with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Knowledge in PLC Human Machine Interface (HMI) is necessary
* Mastering in PLC program such as Siemens
* Mastering in Electric Engineering Software
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* Able to work under pressure and ready for service traveling
* To be stationed in Surabaya / Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 24-30 years old
* Bachelor Degree of any discipline with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must & Mandarin languages is preferred
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in packaging machinery
* Experience working as Sales Manager would be an advantage
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Receptive to change / new ways of thinking
* Able to work under pressure and ready for sales traveling
* Has driving license A and C, posses owned transportation is preferred
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 25 ~ 35 years old / Single
* Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Good knowledge on Computer software MS Project
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in project
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Receptive to change/new ways of thinking & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
Please send your complete CV
by the latest January 20, 2008
to e-mail address: recruitment.fgi@gmail.com
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* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Mastering in Solid Works 2007/2008 or 3D Mechanical Design Software (will be tested)
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta - Indonesia
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply, experience preferred
* Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering / Control Engineer with min. GPA: 2.80 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Knowledge in PLC Human Machine Interface (HMI) is necessary
* Mastering in PLC program such as Siemens
* Mastering in Electric Engineering Software
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Hard worker & able to work under pressure
* Able to work under pressure and ready for service traveling
* To be stationed in Surabaya / Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 24-30 years old
* Bachelor Degree of any discipline with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must & Mandarin languages is preferred
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in packaging machinery
* Experience working as Sales Manager would be an advantage
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Receptive to change / new ways of thinking
* Able to work under pressure and ready for sales traveling
* Has driving license A and C, posses owned transportation is preferred
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
* Male, age between 25 ~ 35 years old / Single
* Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering with min. GPA: 3.00 from a reputable University
* Proficiently in English languages is must
* Good knowledge on Computer software MS Project
* Min. 2 years of relevant experience in project
* Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
* Integrity and results-oriented
* Has a good interpersonal skill and has to be able to work in team
* Receptive to change/new ways of thinking & able to work under pressure
* To be stationed in Jakarta – Indonesia
Please send your complete CV
by the latest January 20, 2008
to e-mail address: recruitment.fgi@gmail.com
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PT Arutmin Indonesia is one of the major coal producing and exporting companies in Indonesia. It signed the first coal mining contract with the Government of Indonesia in 1981 and is therefore the longest-standing private coal producer. To support its growth, the company is currently looking for a high potential and dynamic individual to fill the positions as :
This is a staff position reporting to Maintenance Superintendent. He/She is responsible to provide electrical maintenance planning to ensure high levels of equipment availability in a safe, environmentally sound, and cost effective manner.
Specific requirements to apply:
* University Degree in Electrical Engineering from reputable university.
* Min. 2 years working experiences especially in coal mining company is an added value. Fresh graduate with outstanding performance is encourage to apply.
* Expertise in Fixed Mechanical Planning and Scheduling.
* Maintenance Management, Shut Down Management.
* Familiarity with Conveyors Drive System, Barges & Port Facilities.
* Independent, self motivated and hard worker .
General Qualifications:
* Computer literate (MS Word, Excel).
* Possess good communication skill in Indonesian and English.
* Possess strong capability to work as a team.
* Showed high integrity and commitment to PTAI standards in environment, safety and business ethic.
This is a staff position reporting to Port Coordinator. This position is based in Asam-Asam Mine Site and responsible to execute and proceed barging activities with objective meeting high quality standard operation. Those with the following qualification are encouraged to apply.
Specific requirements to apply:
* S1 Degree in Merchant Marine Academy and holding ANT II (minimum ANT III)
* Minimum 4 years experience in handling barges and vessels movement.
* Good knowledge of bulk unloading and loading activities.
* Good knowledge of marine and sea transportation rules and regulations.
* Good knowledge of Marine Contract Administration and Insurance Claim.
* Computer literate (mining software, MS Word, MS Excel)
* Good language skills both spoken and written of both Indonesian and English
* High commitment to PT AI standards in environment, safety, business ethics and good corporate governance.
This is a Staff position reporting to Long Term Planning Superintendent. He/she is responsible for preparing the long term planning for all of PT Arumin projects with objective of providing sound basis for subsequent longterm mine planning and other mining activities.
Required Qualifications:
* Holding University degree (S-1) in Mining Engineering or Geology
* Min. 5 years exp. in coal mine planning and operations.
* Good knowledge and strong experience in mine planning skill.
* Good understanding on technical and financial aspect of coal mining operations.
* Good skills in Mincom and Minex software, preferably Xpac, Xeras, and TALPAC
* Computer literate (MS Word, Excel).
* Possess good communication skill in Indonesian and English.
* Possess strong capability to work as a team.
* Showed high integrity and commitment to PTAI standards in environment, safety and business ethic.
* Physically and mentally healthy
* Job location Balikpapan
All applications will be kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Attractive remuneration plus generous benefits will be offered to the successful candidate. Please send your application and resume in English, recent photograph & Copy ID card and put the position code at the top-right side of the envelope not later than 8 January 2009 to :
PO. BOX 4619 JKP 10046
Fax: 021-57945688 or email to hrd@arutmin.com
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This is a staff position reporting to Maintenance Superintendent. He/She is responsible to provide electrical maintenance planning to ensure high levels of equipment availability in a safe, environmentally sound, and cost effective manner.
Specific requirements to apply:
* University Degree in Electrical Engineering from reputable university.
* Min. 2 years working experiences especially in coal mining company is an added value. Fresh graduate with outstanding performance is encourage to apply.
* Expertise in Fixed Mechanical Planning and Scheduling.
* Maintenance Management, Shut Down Management.
* Familiarity with Conveyors Drive System, Barges & Port Facilities.
* Independent, self motivated and hard worker .
General Qualifications:
* Computer literate (MS Word, Excel).
* Possess good communication skill in Indonesian and English.
* Possess strong capability to work as a team.
* Showed high integrity and commitment to PTAI standards in environment, safety and business ethic.
This is a staff position reporting to Port Coordinator. This position is based in Asam-Asam Mine Site and responsible to execute and proceed barging activities with objective meeting high quality standard operation. Those with the following qualification are encouraged to apply.
Specific requirements to apply:
* S1 Degree in Merchant Marine Academy and holding ANT II (minimum ANT III)
* Minimum 4 years experience in handling barges and vessels movement.
* Good knowledge of bulk unloading and loading activities.
* Good knowledge of marine and sea transportation rules and regulations.
* Good knowledge of Marine Contract Administration and Insurance Claim.
* Computer literate (mining software, MS Word, MS Excel)
* Good language skills both spoken and written of both Indonesian and English
* High commitment to PT AI standards in environment, safety, business ethics and good corporate governance.
This is a Staff position reporting to Long Term Planning Superintendent. He/she is responsible for preparing the long term planning for all of PT Arumin projects with objective of providing sound basis for subsequent longterm mine planning and other mining activities.
Required Qualifications:
* Holding University degree (S-1) in Mining Engineering or Geology
* Min. 5 years exp. in coal mine planning and operations.
* Good knowledge and strong experience in mine planning skill.
* Good understanding on technical and financial aspect of coal mining operations.
* Good skills in Mincom and Minex software, preferably Xpac, Xeras, and TALPAC
* Computer literate (MS Word, Excel).
* Possess good communication skill in Indonesian and English.
* Possess strong capability to work as a team.
* Showed high integrity and commitment to PTAI standards in environment, safety and business ethic.
* Physically and mentally healthy
* Job location Balikpapan
All applications will be kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Attractive remuneration plus generous benefits will be offered to the successful candidate. Please send your application and resume in English, recent photograph & Copy ID card and put the position code at the top-right side of the envelope not later than 8 January 2009 to :
PO. BOX 4619 JKP 10046
Fax: 021-57945688 or email to hrd@arutmin.com
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TVS Motor Company Indonesia - We are the TVS MOTOR COMPANY located in KARAWANG, part of the TVS Group is the seventh largest motorcycle company in the world, with a turn over of USD 740 million. We are now in Indonesia where we see a fast potential for growth motorcycle market in the world. To fulfill our ambition to become the third largest motorcycle in Indonesia, we are looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals to strengthen our management team for the future. If you’re ready for challenge and want to join a company with sports culture, you can apply for career opportunity as:
Engineer - Service (SE)
Job Location :
Kalimantan, Sulawesi & Palembang
Vleet customers and understand their service needs, contract and develop service points, train and develop machanics through regular dealer visits & attend to critical customer complaints;
Requirement :
* D3 in Automobile/Mechanical Engineering.
* Age : 25-30 years
* Minimum 3 years in automobile industry on vehicle service
* Good in troubleshooting skill
* Willing to travel
* High orientation towards customer satisfaction.
Officer - Training (TO)
Job Location :
Kalimantan, Sulawesi & Palembang
* Planning and organizing training program for dealer and channel mechanics;
* Maintaining regional training center;
* Developing training module as per market requirement (after sales service).
Requirement :
* D3/S1 Mechanical.
* Age : 28-32 years
* Minimum 5 years training experience in service
* Knowledge in learning content development
* Experience in training delivery (theory & practical)
* Good communication skill and willing to travel.
Officer - Sales (SO)
Job Location :
Central Java, North Sumatera, Sulawesi, Palembang & Lampung
* Achieve sales targets for the territory;
* Build relationship with trade/finance/broker;
* Establish dealer network;
* Conducting sales promotion activities.
Requirement :
* D3/S1 in Business Management.
* Age : 25-30 years
* Minimum 3 years of sales experience in automobile/consumer durable industry
* Good understanding of the local sales channels
* Dynamic and willing to travel
* Highly energetic with can-do attitude
Development Engineer (Code : Dev. Eng)
Job Location :
Responsibilities :
* Part development of plastic and fabricated components.
* Global sources for parts from China, Malaysia, and thailand.
Qualifications :
* D3/ S1 Engineer
* Age below 32 years
* Min 2-5 years working experience
* Should be aware of task and duties of logistics
* Experience in part development / process engineer-plastic, fabrication, global sourcing will be preffered
* Good interpersonal skill, hardworking & high initiative.
Manager- MPG (Code : MPG)
Job Location :
Responsibilities :
* To handle and maintain inventory & physical stock to avoid surprise line stoppages.
* To procure material from suppliers already developed (line feeding).
* To ensure availability of material in assembly line on time.
Qualifications :
* S1 in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering.
* Age 30 – 35 years.
* Min 5 - 10 years work experience in similar function.
* Computer literate.
* Experience in automotive or any large scale manufacturing company will be preferred
* Good analytical skill, hardworking & high initiative.
Those who are interested and meet our requirements may send their applications with CV and a photograph not later than 7 January 2009 (se, to, so) and 24 January 2009 (for dev-eng and mpg) to:
Email : hr.indo@tvsmotor.co.id , talent@tvsmotor.co.id (for dev eng and mpg)
(Please specify the position title & code in the subject)
Post : HR Department, PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia.
Gedung Wirausaha 3rd floor,
Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kav C 5, Kuningan, Jakarta 12920
(please specify the position title & code on the top left corner of the envelope)
Only short listed candidates will be contacted
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Engineer - Service (SE)
Job Location :
Kalimantan, Sulawesi & Palembang
Vleet customers and understand their service needs, contract and develop service points, train and develop machanics through regular dealer visits & attend to critical customer complaints;
Requirement :
* D3 in Automobile/Mechanical Engineering.
* Age : 25-30 years
* Minimum 3 years in automobile industry on vehicle service
* Good in troubleshooting skill
* Willing to travel
* High orientation towards customer satisfaction.
Officer - Training (TO)
Job Location :
Kalimantan, Sulawesi & Palembang
* Planning and organizing training program for dealer and channel mechanics;
* Maintaining regional training center;
* Developing training module as per market requirement (after sales service).
Requirement :
* D3/S1 Mechanical.
* Age : 28-32 years
* Minimum 5 years training experience in service
* Knowledge in learning content development
* Experience in training delivery (theory & practical)
* Good communication skill and willing to travel.
Officer - Sales (SO)
Job Location :
Central Java, North Sumatera, Sulawesi, Palembang & Lampung
* Achieve sales targets for the territory;
* Build relationship with trade/finance/broker;
* Establish dealer network;
* Conducting sales promotion activities.
Requirement :
* D3/S1 in Business Management.
* Age : 25-30 years
* Minimum 3 years of sales experience in automobile/consumer durable industry
* Good understanding of the local sales channels
* Dynamic and willing to travel
* Highly energetic with can-do attitude
Development Engineer (Code : Dev. Eng)
Job Location :
Responsibilities :
* Part development of plastic and fabricated components.
* Global sources for parts from China, Malaysia, and thailand.
Qualifications :
* D3/ S1 Engineer
* Age below 32 years
* Min 2-5 years working experience
* Should be aware of task and duties of logistics
* Experience in part development / process engineer-plastic, fabrication, global sourcing will be preffered
* Good interpersonal skill, hardworking & high initiative.
Manager- MPG (Code : MPG)
Job Location :
Responsibilities :
* To handle and maintain inventory & physical stock to avoid surprise line stoppages.
* To procure material from suppliers already developed (line feeding).
* To ensure availability of material in assembly line on time.
Qualifications :
* S1 in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering.
* Age 30 – 35 years.
* Min 5 - 10 years work experience in similar function.
* Computer literate.
* Experience in automotive or any large scale manufacturing company will be preferred
* Good analytical skill, hardworking & high initiative.
Those who are interested and meet our requirements may send their applications with CV and a photograph not later than 7 January 2009 (se, to, so) and 24 January 2009 (for dev-eng and mpg) to:
Email : hr.indo@tvsmotor.co.id , talent@tvsmotor.co.id (for dev eng and mpg)
(Please specify the position title & code in the subject)
Post : HR Department, PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia.
Gedung Wirausaha 3rd floor,
Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kav C 5, Kuningan, Jakarta 12920
(please specify the position title & code on the top left corner of the envelope)
Only short listed candidates will be contacted
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PT Cordlife Indonesia is the first and only umbilical cord blood bank in Indonesia. We are a joint venture between Cordlife Pte Ltd, Singapore and PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. Our cord blood processing and storage laboratory in Jakarta has been granted operational license by the Departemen Kesehatan Indonesia and was officially opened by the Mentri Kesehatan RI. We are now looking for qualified people to join our growing team and to drive our expansion to other cities in Indonesia.
Fulfillment & Sales Executive (Bandung, Semarang, Makasar)
Academic Requirements :
* Polytechnic Diploma or Nursing Degree
* Registered nurse with local nursing board preferred, not essential
Work Experience Requirements :
More than 1 years of working experience in nursing or similar field
Experience in Obstetrician & Gynecologist (O&G) clinic setting is preferred
Personality Requirements :
* Able to work independently and without close supervision
* Able to work 24-hour shifts and be on unofficial standby for 24-hour periods
* Able to work well as part of a team
* Have a positive attitude and initiative
* Be able to recognize protocol deviances and dutifully record such incidences when necessary
* Highly driven attitude and people-oriented
* Able to communicate effectively
* Well groomed
* High level of initiative
* High level of ethics in selling process
Others :
Preferably possess a valid driving license and own vehicle
Overall Job Scope :
* Directly responsible for all aspects of UCB collection at all maternity hospitals in Singapore, which includes liaisons with O&Gs, hospital nursing and non-nursing staff and CordLife clients
* Directly responsible for all CordLife enquiries and pre to post sales activities
* Assist in customer support
Tasks :
* To assist, guide or advice the O&G on-site or remotely in the collection of UCB or perform the procedure if and when required
* To ensure timely and proper transfer of the collection kit to CordLife’s processing and storage facility within 24 hours of client’s delivery
* To co-ordinate and collect maternal blood if required
* Directly responsible for converting leads to actual clients of CordLife
* Directly responsible for delivering sales targets
* Directly responsible for maintaining and subsequently increasing closure rates of assigned leads
* Directly responsible for pre and post-sales arrangements
* To manage and maintain good relations in all hospitals (with delivery suite and operating theatre nurses/staff)
* To conduct nurse education within maternity hospitals when required
* To ensure timely submission of weekly and monthly delivery reports
* Any other duties that may be assigned by the Fulfillment Manager from time to time
Branch Representative (Bandung, Semarang, Makasar)
Academic Requirements :
Medical Background Preferred
Work Experience Requirements :
* Minimum of 3 years of working experience in sales & marketing.
* Direct selling experience (both direct interface and via telephone/email) preferred.
* Familiarity with the obstetrics & gynecology (O&Gs) community preferred.
Personality Requirements :
* Highly independent and organized.
* Team player.
* Positive attitude.
* Good interpersonal skills.
* Good communication skills.
* Good problem-solving skills.
* Strategic thinking skills.
* Ability to coach team to execute.
* Able and willing to execute sales & marketing programs.
Others :
* Customer oriented, client relation management knowledge.
* Must be proficient in MS Office.
* Proficient in English, both speaking (min. passive) and writing.
Overall Job Scope :
All aspects of sales and marketing including relationship management with O&Gs, and/or other medical practitioners in the branch territory.
Tasks :
* Establish and maintain relationships with hospital administrators as well as other medical related personnel.
* Key account management – develop and continual fostering of rapport with O&Gs to secure client referrals and support.
* Sales enquiries, pre to post sales activities and delivering sales target.
* Project management of maternity and /or hospital related events.
* Assist in collection of umbilical cord blood if and when required.
* Client management and ethical education of the UCB services.
* Strategize and spearhead marketing and Advertising/Promotions programs to elevate CordLife brand to key opinion leaders (O&Gs, oncologist, pediatricians, oncologists and hematologists)
* Timely submission of reports, client contracts and supporting forms.
* Market intelligence :
- collation of market data, data analysis of existing clients (both direct customers and business partners like O&Gs and nurses)
- Monitor competitors’ activities.
- Track customer satisfaction effectiveness
- Monitor consumer buying patterns and behavior
* Any other duties that may be assigned by the country manager from time to time.
Send your complete resume to:
email : hr@cordlife.com
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Fulfillment & Sales Executive (Bandung, Semarang, Makasar)
Academic Requirements :
* Polytechnic Diploma or Nursing Degree
* Registered nurse with local nursing board preferred, not essential
Work Experience Requirements :
More than 1 years of working experience in nursing or similar field
Experience in Obstetrician & Gynecologist (O&G) clinic setting is preferred
Personality Requirements :
* Able to work independently and without close supervision
* Able to work 24-hour shifts and be on unofficial standby for 24-hour periods
* Able to work well as part of a team
* Have a positive attitude and initiative
* Be able to recognize protocol deviances and dutifully record such incidences when necessary
* Highly driven attitude and people-oriented
* Able to communicate effectively
* Well groomed
* High level of initiative
* High level of ethics in selling process
Others :
Preferably possess a valid driving license and own vehicle
Overall Job Scope :
* Directly responsible for all aspects of UCB collection at all maternity hospitals in Singapore, which includes liaisons with O&Gs, hospital nursing and non-nursing staff and CordLife clients
* Directly responsible for all CordLife enquiries and pre to post sales activities
* Assist in customer support
Tasks :
* To assist, guide or advice the O&G on-site or remotely in the collection of UCB or perform the procedure if and when required
* To ensure timely and proper transfer of the collection kit to CordLife’s processing and storage facility within 24 hours of client’s delivery
* To co-ordinate and collect maternal blood if required
* Directly responsible for converting leads to actual clients of CordLife
* Directly responsible for delivering sales targets
* Directly responsible for maintaining and subsequently increasing closure rates of assigned leads
* Directly responsible for pre and post-sales arrangements
* To manage and maintain good relations in all hospitals (with delivery suite and operating theatre nurses/staff)
* To conduct nurse education within maternity hospitals when required
* To ensure timely submission of weekly and monthly delivery reports
* Any other duties that may be assigned by the Fulfillment Manager from time to time
Branch Representative (Bandung, Semarang, Makasar)
Academic Requirements :
Medical Background Preferred
Work Experience Requirements :
* Minimum of 3 years of working experience in sales & marketing.
* Direct selling experience (both direct interface and via telephone/email) preferred.
* Familiarity with the obstetrics & gynecology (O&Gs) community preferred.
Personality Requirements :
* Highly independent and organized.
* Team player.
* Positive attitude.
* Good interpersonal skills.
* Good communication skills.
* Good problem-solving skills.
* Strategic thinking skills.
* Ability to coach team to execute.
* Able and willing to execute sales & marketing programs.
Others :
* Customer oriented, client relation management knowledge.
* Must be proficient in MS Office.
* Proficient in English, both speaking (min. passive) and writing.
Overall Job Scope :
All aspects of sales and marketing including relationship management with O&Gs, and/or other medical practitioners in the branch territory.
Tasks :
* Establish and maintain relationships with hospital administrators as well as other medical related personnel.
* Key account management – develop and continual fostering of rapport with O&Gs to secure client referrals and support.
* Sales enquiries, pre to post sales activities and delivering sales target.
* Project management of maternity and /or hospital related events.
* Assist in collection of umbilical cord blood if and when required.
* Client management and ethical education of the UCB services.
* Strategize and spearhead marketing and Advertising/Promotions programs to elevate CordLife brand to key opinion leaders (O&Gs, oncologist, pediatricians, oncologists and hematologists)
* Timely submission of reports, client contracts and supporting forms.
* Market intelligence :
- collation of market data, data analysis of existing clients (both direct customers and business partners like O&Gs and nurses)
- Monitor competitors’ activities.
- Track customer satisfaction effectiveness
- Monitor consumer buying patterns and behavior
* Any other duties that may be assigned by the country manager from time to time.
Send your complete resume to:
email : hr@cordlife.com
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Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager / Supervisor, Marketing Manager PT Metropolitan Raya Agung Podomoro Group Desember 2008
Lowongan Kerja Pekerjaan Loker Pt Tiara Metropolitan Raya Agung Podomoro Group Desember 2008 Januari 2009Lowongan Kerja PT Tiara Metropolitan Raya - Agung Podomoro Group, invite highly energetic & dynamic professionals who are able to exhibit excellent interpersonal skill and work under pressure to fill the following positions :
1. Lowongan Kerja Sales Supervisor (SS)
2. Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager (SM)
3. Lowongan Kerja Marketing Manager (MM)
General requirements :
* Bachelor degree in related disciplines with GPA minimal 3.00
* Posses an excellent appearance and team work & communication skill
* Fluent in English or Mandarin will be an advantage
* Can work in events or road show environments
* Maximum age 35 years old for SALES SUPERVISOR / SALES MANAGER and approximately 38 years old for MARKETING MANAGER
* Have a minimum 2 years of related working experience for SUPERVISOR and 5 years for MANAGER
* Working location in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Special requirements :
Must posses a strong Marketing Strategic Planning Skill for MARKETING MANAGER
Please send your CV with recent photograph to :
Kantor Pemasaran Apartemen Gading Nias
Jl. Pegangsaan Dua No.3, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara
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Lowongan Kerja Pekerjaan Loker Pt Tiara Metropolitan Raya Agung Podomoro Group Desember 2008 Januari 2009Lowongan Kerja PT Tiara Metropolitan Raya - Agung Podomoro Group, invite highly energetic & dynamic professionals who are able to exhibit excellent interpersonal skill and work under pressure to fill the following positions :
1. Lowongan Kerja Sales Supervisor (SS)
2. Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager (SM)
3. Lowongan Kerja Marketing Manager (MM)
General requirements :
* Bachelor degree in related disciplines with GPA minimal 3.00
* Posses an excellent appearance and team work & communication skill
* Fluent in English or Mandarin will be an advantage
* Can work in events or road show environments
* Maximum age 35 years old for SALES SUPERVISOR / SALES MANAGER and approximately 38 years old for MARKETING MANAGER
* Have a minimum 2 years of related working experience for SUPERVISOR and 5 years for MANAGER
* Working location in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Special requirements :
Must posses a strong Marketing Strategic Planning Skill for MARKETING MANAGER
Please send your CV with recent photograph to :
Kantor Pemasaran Apartemen Gading Nias
Jl. Pegangsaan Dua No.3, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara
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Lowongan Kerja Sinarmas World Academy is an exciting new school which opened in July 2008. We are seeking enthusiastic, experienced teachers to join our team for the school year beginning July 2009. Attractive packages will be provided for successful applicants:
Teaching Vacancies :
* Elementary Teachers
* Middle School / High School (IB MYP / IB DP) Teachers
- English Teacher
- Humanities (Geography, History or Economics) Teacher
- Mathematics Teacher
- Science (physics, Chemistry or Biology) Teacher
* Additional Specialists :
- ESL Teacher
- IT Teacher
- Art Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Physical Education Teacher
- Chinese Teacher
- Religion - Islam Teacher
Other Vacancies :
* Teacher Assistants
* IT helpdesk Staff, experienced in Apple
Qualification required:
* Minimum with degree in education and / or subject specialisation.
* Have a strong background in teaching in an international school or National Plus school.
Qualification preferred : Experience working in IB programs.
Please send your application with resume and photo to :
HR Manager
Sinarmas World Academy
Jl. TM Pahlawan Seribu CBD Lot XV
BSD City Tangerang 15322
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Teaching Vacancies :
* Elementary Teachers
* Middle School / High School (IB MYP / IB DP) Teachers
- English Teacher
- Humanities (Geography, History or Economics) Teacher
- Mathematics Teacher
- Science (physics, Chemistry or Biology) Teacher
* Additional Specialists :
- ESL Teacher
- IT Teacher
- Art Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Physical Education Teacher
- Chinese Teacher
- Religion - Islam Teacher
Other Vacancies :
* Teacher Assistants
* IT helpdesk Staff, experienced in Apple
Qualification required:
* Minimum with degree in education and / or subject specialisation.
* Have a strong background in teaching in an international school or National Plus school.
Qualification preferred : Experience working in IB programs.
Please send your application with resume and photo to :
HR Manager
Sinarmas World Academy
Jl. TM Pahlawan Seribu CBD Lot XV
BSD City Tangerang 15322
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Accounting, Audit, Officer, Programmer, Receptionist, Surveyor
Perusahaan Nasional yang bergerak dalam bidang manufacture, dan leasing membutuhkan :
1. Branch Mgr motor : Sales (BMS), Leasing (BML), Distribusi & Administrasi (BMDA)
2. Asst BM motor: Direct Sales (ABDS), Indirect Sales (ABIS), Leasing (ABL), Distribusi & Administrasi(ABDA)
3. Marketing: Mgr (M-M), Asst (M-AM), Officer (M-O)
4. Leasing: GM (L-GM), Mgr (L-M), Asst (L-AM), Officer (L-O)
5. Finance & Accounting: GM (FA-GM), Mgr (FA-M), Asst (FA-AM), Officer (FA-O)
6. Audit: GM (Adt-GM), Mgr (Adt-M), Asst (Adt-AM), Officer (Adt-O)
7. Programmer (Prog), IT Support (ITS), Design Gratis (DG)
8. System Design Development (SDD)
9. After Sales Service Motor Manager (ASS-M)
10. HRGA: Mgr (HRL-M), Asst (HRL-AM), Officer (HRL-S)
11. Receptionist (Rcp), Account Officer (AO), SPG/SPB (SPG/SPB). Surveyor (Sur), Collector (Col)
Persyaratan :
Min. S1 (1-10); D3/SMA (11) , min. IPK 2.8; Pengalaman di otomotif, leasing atau bidangnya (1-10); Fresh Graduate (All Officer, 11), VB 6.0/NB.net, PHP, MySQL, SQL Server, Crystal Report (7-Prog), 3D-Max Animasi (7-DG); pengalaman SOP (SDD); Bersedia ditempatkan di Serpong / Sumatera
Kirim lamaran lengkap, CV, foto terbaru & tulis kode posisi pada sudut kiri atas amplop /
subyek email ke :
PO BOX 103 BMD TNG 15330
Email : rec.tjg@gmail.com (max. 400 Kb)
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1. Branch Mgr motor : Sales (BMS), Leasing (BML), Distribusi & Administrasi (BMDA)
2. Asst BM motor: Direct Sales (ABDS), Indirect Sales (ABIS), Leasing (ABL), Distribusi & Administrasi(ABDA)
3. Marketing: Mgr (M-M), Asst (M-AM), Officer (M-O)
4. Leasing: GM (L-GM), Mgr (L-M), Asst (L-AM), Officer (L-O)
5. Finance & Accounting: GM (FA-GM), Mgr (FA-M), Asst (FA-AM), Officer (FA-O)
6. Audit: GM (Adt-GM), Mgr (Adt-M), Asst (Adt-AM), Officer (Adt-O)
7. Programmer (Prog), IT Support (ITS), Design Gratis (DG)
8. System Design Development (SDD)
9. After Sales Service Motor Manager (ASS-M)
10. HRGA: Mgr (HRL-M), Asst (HRL-AM), Officer (HRL-S)
11. Receptionist (Rcp), Account Officer (AO), SPG/SPB (SPG/SPB). Surveyor (Sur), Collector (Col)
Persyaratan :
Min. S1 (1-10); D3/SMA (11) , min. IPK 2.8; Pengalaman di otomotif, leasing atau bidangnya (1-10); Fresh Graduate (All Officer, 11), VB 6.0/NB.net, PHP, MySQL, SQL Server, Crystal Report (7-Prog), 3D-Max Animasi (7-DG); pengalaman SOP (SDD); Bersedia ditempatkan di Serpong / Sumatera
Kirim lamaran lengkap, CV, foto terbaru & tulis kode posisi pada sudut kiri atas amplop /
subyek email ke :
PO BOX 103 BMD TNG 15330
Email : rec.tjg@gmail.com (max. 400 Kb)
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Lowongan Kerja PT. Dream Sentosa Indonesia, a global sourcing network garment and bag manufacturer located in Karawang, is seeking highly qualified candidates to full in below positions:
Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Manager (1 person)
* Experience in its field at least 5 years
* Minimum S1
* Master in Manpower Law
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja GA Staff &
Lowongan Kerja HRD Staff,
Lowongan Kerja Payroll Staff (3 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
* Payroll Staff understanding Jamsostek is preferable
Lowongan Kerja Assistant Manager Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Purchasing (5 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Please send your application letter & curriculum vitae via email to : leni@dream4all.com or send full documents to :
Dusun Mangga Besar II RT 16/04 Kel. Walahar, Kec. Klari,
Karawang Timur 41371.
Attn: Leni Julianti
Please write position on top right side of the envelope. All applications received not later than December 31, 2008
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Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Manager (1 person)
* Experience in its field at least 5 years
* Minimum S1
* Master in Manpower Law
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja GA Staff &
Lowongan Kerja HRD Staff,
Lowongan Kerja Payroll Staff (3 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
* Payroll Staff understanding Jamsostek is preferable
Lowongan Kerja Assistant Manager Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Purchasing (5 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Please send your application letter & curriculum vitae via email to : leni@dream4all.com or send full documents to :
Dusun Mangga Besar II RT 16/04 Kel. Walahar, Kec. Klari,
Karawang Timur 41371.
Attn: Leni Julianti
Please write position on top right side of the envelope. All applications received not later than December 31, 2008
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PT INDESSO AROMA one of the leading Indonesian manufactures of natural extracts, essential oils and aromatic chemicals, natural extracts and essential oils and distributor of one of the top five flavor and fragrance companies, located in Lowongan Kerja Jakarta. With the growing domestic and overseas market, we are looking for highly motivated young and bright candidates for the position of :
Requirements :
* Male or Female, 26-30 years old
* Undergraduate degree preferably from reputable university with GPA min 3.0
* Having minimum 3 years experience in Sales & Marketing area
* Having Driving Licence A
* Good command in English (oral & written)
* computer literate
Please send your application letter, CV, copies of relevant certificates and a recent photograph not later than 3 January 2009 to :
Human Resources Manager
Jl. Tanah Abang II No. 78
Jakarta 10150
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Requirements :
* Male or Female, 26-30 years old
* Undergraduate degree preferably from reputable university with GPA min 3.0
* Having minimum 3 years experience in Sales & Marketing area
* Having Driving Licence A
* Good command in English (oral & written)
* computer literate
Please send your application letter, CV, copies of relevant certificates and a recent photograph not later than 3 January 2009 to :
Human Resources Manager
Jl. Tanah Abang II No. 78
Jakarta 10150
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A Foreign Construction Company located in Batam Indonesia urgently need suitable candidates to apply for the following positions:
• Diploma or University Degree preferred majoring Secretarial
• Proficient or good communication in English
• Computer literate especially Ms. Office
• At least 3 years experience in secretarial job
• Good & pleasant personality
Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph within one week after this advertisement or e-mail to:
HR Department
PT.McConnell Dowell Services
Sei Binti - Sagulung
e-mail: batam.recruitment@macdow.com.sgE-mail ini dilindungi dari spam bots, kamu perlu mengaktifkan JavaScript utk melihatnya
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be notified by phone.
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• Diploma or University Degree preferred majoring Secretarial
• Proficient or good communication in English
• Computer literate especially Ms. Office
• At least 3 years experience in secretarial job
• Good & pleasant personality
Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph within one week after this advertisement or e-mail to:
HR Department
PT.McConnell Dowell Services
Sei Binti - Sagulung
e-mail: batam.recruitment@macdow.com.sgE-mail ini dilindungi dari spam bots, kamu perlu mengaktifkan JavaScript utk melihatnya
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be notified by phone.
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PT Minamas Gemilang - Minamas Plantation is one of the biggest Palm Oil Plantation in Indonesia (with more than 250.000 ha of estates) and also a subsidiary of Sime Darby Berhad (www.simedarby.com) the largest plantation company in the world. With more than 30.000 employees we are moving forward to become a world class company. To support our operation we are seeking talented and motivated people to be part of our Winning Team.
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university from related major.
* Minimum 2 years of experience as Mill Manager in palm oil plantation company
* Willing to be placed in Mill area (all over Indonesia).
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 40 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
* Minimum 10 years of experience in Projects / Oil Mills in plantation company
* Responsible in managing project works development..
* Carrying out the administrative function of the EMS Department.
* Proper contract management, reporting and managing of project works and operation for EMS.
* Placement in Jakarta and willing to travel to site.
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university majoring in Agronomy.
* Minimum 2 years of experience as Estate Manager.
* Willing to be placed in Estate area (all over Indonesia).
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university majoring in Law, HRM or related.
* Minimum 5 years of experience in IR, preferable in palm oil plantation company
* Responsible in handling Industrial Relation Management e.g: IR dispute, negotiation with Labor Union, Collective Labor Agreement (KKB).
* Having good relationship with third party eg. Government, NGO.
* Placement in Jakarta and willing to travel to site.
Requirement :
* Male/female, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1/S2 majoring in Law from reputable university.
* Handling wide range of legal related matters ranging from general corporate, commercial, company licenses, litigation, land related matter and regulatory compliance of the group.
* Reviewing corporate and commercial agreements of the group as well as providing professional advice and consultation on legal matters.
* Reviewing and providing advice on various legal documentation and contracts.
* Placement in Jakarta and willing to travel to site.
General Requirement :
Having good leadership and relationship skills, customer oriented, business acumen, good strategic and analytical thinking, able to perform under pressure and target result oriented.
If you meet the qualifications above, we invite you to submit your comprehensive resume not later than 2 January 2009 and indicate the position in the left corner of the envelope or as email subject to :
Human Resources Management
PO BOX 4404 Jakarta 10044
Email : minamas.recruitment@simedarby.com
Read More..
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university from related major.
* Minimum 2 years of experience as Mill Manager in palm oil plantation company
* Willing to be placed in Mill area (all over Indonesia).
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 40 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
* Minimum 10 years of experience in Projects / Oil Mills in plantation company
* Responsible in managing project works development..
* Carrying out the administrative function of the EMS Department.
* Proper contract management, reporting and managing of project works and operation for EMS.
* Placement in Jakarta and willing to travel to site.
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university majoring in Agronomy.
* Minimum 2 years of experience as Estate Manager.
* Willing to be placed in Estate area (all over Indonesia).
Requirement :
* Male, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1 from reputable university majoring in Law, HRM or related.
* Minimum 5 years of experience in IR, preferable in palm oil plantation company
* Responsible in handling Industrial Relation Management e.g: IR dispute, negotiation with Labor Union, Collective Labor Agreement (KKB).
* Having good relationship with third party eg. Government, NGO.
* Placement in Jakarta and willing to travel to site.
Requirement :
* Male/female, minimum 35 years of age.
* S1/S2 majoring in Law from reputable university.
* Handling wide range of legal related matters ranging from general corporate, commercial, company licenses, litigation, land related matter and regulatory compliance of the group.
* Reviewing corporate and commercial agreements of the group as well as providing professional advice and consultation on legal matters.
* Reviewing and providing advice on various legal documentation and contracts.
* Placement in Jakarta and willing to travel to site.
General Requirement :
Having good leadership and relationship skills, customer oriented, business acumen, good strategic and analytical thinking, able to perform under pressure and target result oriented.
If you meet the qualifications above, we invite you to submit your comprehensive resume not later than 2 January 2009 and indicate the position in the left corner of the envelope or as email subject to :
Human Resources Management
PO BOX 4404 Jakarta 10044
Email : minamas.recruitment@simedarby.com
Read More..
We are a company running business in providing Equipments and services for Industrial, BUMN and Oil & Gas companies, immediately seeking for a professional and committed individual to fill the following positions :
Responsibilities :
* Increasing sales volume and profit with customers
* Maximizing opportunities to sell product & services where possible
* Keeping existing and potential customers updated on new products, services and technologies
* Gathering market information on customer’s activities, projects and sales forecasts
* Establish and maintain high level of customer intimacy with customers
* Be knowledgeable on responsible products and markets such that we can match company solutions to customers’ needs
Requirements :
* Male, 25 – 30 years old.
* S1 degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
* Minimum of 3 years related experience.
* Good interpersonal skills and command in written and Spoken English language skills .
* Good customer orientation and customer handling skills.
* Good problem-solving skills & Achievement oriented
* Willing to travel outside of Jakarta and work on flexible time
Please send your CV complete with recent photograph to:
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Responsibilities :
* Increasing sales volume and profit with customers
* Maximizing opportunities to sell product & services where possible
* Keeping existing and potential customers updated on new products, services and technologies
* Gathering market information on customer’s activities, projects and sales forecasts
* Establish and maintain high level of customer intimacy with customers
* Be knowledgeable on responsible products and markets such that we can match company solutions to customers’ needs
Requirements :
* Male, 25 – 30 years old.
* S1 degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
* Minimum of 3 years related experience.
* Good interpersonal skills and command in written and Spoken English language skills .
* Good customer orientation and customer handling skills.
* Good problem-solving skills & Achievement oriented
* Willing to travel outside of Jakarta and work on flexible time
Please send your CV complete with recent photograph to:
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PT. Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk - We are a leading Retail company in Indonesia which has been well known as shopping destination, as the most preferred retailer for customer and Indonesian family. Consistently brings value and fashion-high products and services to enhance the costumers’ quality of lifestyle. If you’d like to work in service line of our business, a key position are waiting for you.
Store Supervisor
You will be responsible for the certain area of store regarding sales achievement, stock inventory, shrinkage, and other matters related to the store operation area.
* Male/Female, max. 28 years old
* Height: Male min. 165 cm, Female min. 160 cm
* Minimum Bachelor degree in any discipline from reputable university
* Experience in retail industry will be an advantage
* Good English (both written and oral) and computer literate
* Good appearance, salesmanship and leadership skill
* Attractive, enthusiastic, good manner and having service attitude
* Willing to work shift and to be placed at Manado
Industrial Relation Section Head
* Male/Female, age max 37 years old
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable University
* Minimum 3 years experience handling Industrial Relation or Employee Relation in company with more than 5000 employees
* Broad knowledge in labor law and regulation
* Strong negotiation skills
* Excellent skill in English (oral and written) is a must
* Having good logic, analytical ability & strong interpersonal
Interest candidates should send current resume, application letter and photograph to:
PT. Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk
Lippo Cyberpark, Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada #2138
Lippo Karawaci Tangerang 15811
Ph: 021-55796636
e-mail: hrd.mds@matahari.co.id
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Store Supervisor
You will be responsible for the certain area of store regarding sales achievement, stock inventory, shrinkage, and other matters related to the store operation area.
* Male/Female, max. 28 years old
* Height: Male min. 165 cm, Female min. 160 cm
* Minimum Bachelor degree in any discipline from reputable university
* Experience in retail industry will be an advantage
* Good English (both written and oral) and computer literate
* Good appearance, salesmanship and leadership skill
* Attractive, enthusiastic, good manner and having service attitude
* Willing to work shift and to be placed at Manado
Industrial Relation Section Head
* Male/Female, age max 37 years old
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable University
* Minimum 3 years experience handling Industrial Relation or Employee Relation in company with more than 5000 employees
* Broad knowledge in labor law and regulation
* Strong negotiation skills
* Excellent skill in English (oral and written) is a must
* Having good logic, analytical ability & strong interpersonal
Interest candidates should send current resume, application letter and photograph to:
PT. Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk
Lippo Cyberpark, Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada #2138
Lippo Karawaci Tangerang 15811
Ph: 021-55796636
e-mail: hrd.mds@matahari.co.id
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VERITY is a professional Search and Selection company and Recruitment Consultancy formed in Australia and Indonesia in 2007. Our business has been founded by five clear Values; Professional Ethics, Customer Service, Achievement, Teamwork and Life Balance. We integrate these into all we do within our dealings with clients and candidates. Our success has been built upon the recognition that every client and candidate has unique challenges, circumstances and specific needs. Our mission is to identify and address these needs, by working with our clients and candidates to provide customized and innovative approaches and solutions. All of our consultants are skilled and experienced recruitment professionals from the Human Resources and Management professions. Verity has offices in Jakarta and Perth and is represented through alliances in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.
Our client is a Multinational largest Mining Company, who expanding across Indonesia. Their growth is to be the Indonesia region’s leading Mining Company based on an integrity, teamwork and performance. They are seeking excellent candidates to join our expanding multinational operation based within the mining industry. Our client offering fantastic career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent salary packages. They are currently required a qualified, experienced, motivated candidate for the following positions:
Lowongan Kerja Mine Operations Manager (Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Role)
* Candidate must possess from Bachelor s Degree in Mining Engineering.
* Having 5 year(s) of working experience as Mine Operations Manager (“Kepala Teknik Tambang”).
* Having good understanding of mining operation.
* Knowledgeable in QSE, Mine Reclamation, and Rehabilitation.
* Have Certified in Mine Operations Manager ("Kepala Teknik Tambang").
* Having good relationship/network with government institutions.
* Excellent communication in both written and spoken English.
* Computer literate (MS Office).
* Good interpersonal and organizational skills.
* Highly self motivated and strong analytical skills.
* Creative and self starter, team player and having self integrity.
* Required skill(s) : MS Office Application.
* Required language(s) : English.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Central Kalimantan.
* Full-Time positions available.
Geotechnical Engineer (Kalimantan Role)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Geological Engineering/ Mining Engineering/ Geophysics or related discipline.
* Having experience minimum 3 years in geotechnical monitoring and analysis, preferably in more than one open cut mining environment.
* Competence in the use of geotechnical software and computer literate.
* Experienced working on major projects with major clients.
* Applicants must be willing to work at Balikpapan and Kalimantan.
* 2 Full-Time positions available.
* Full-Time positions available.
Community Manager (East Java Role / Lowongan Kerja Jawa Timur)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Construction, Engineering (Civil), Business Studies/Administration/Management or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): good communication and interpersonal skills, good knowledge of local community s culture.
* Required language(s) : English.
* At least 10 year(s) of working experience in community relations in remote area.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Corporate Affairs and Communications or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
Lowongan Kerja Construction Training Supervisor (Kalimantan Role)
* Candidate must possess at least a Higher Secondary/STPM/"A" Level/Pre-U or Diploma in Construction, Engineering (Civil) or equivalent.
* Candidate should hold Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
* Required skill(s): Planning, organizing, scheduling, and conducting technical training; good knowledge of effective presentation skills, organizational & time management techniques; good knowledge of office & audio/visual equipment; good knowledge of MS office application and other applicable programs.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in civil & construction project; experience in planning and delivering training groups.
* Other requirements: Ambitious, innovative, adaptable and able to work in international environment.
* Preferably specializing in Training or equivalent.
HSE Manager (FIFO Kalimantan)
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering (Environmental/Health/Safety), Engineering (Mining), Safety or equivalent and posses some level of formal training in the HSE field.
* Required skill(s): MS Office application, good knowledge and experience in implementing & monitoring HSE Management System requirements in compliance with Corporate & International Standards (OHSAS 18001 & ISO 14001 requirements).
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in East Kalimantan.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Health and Safety or equivalent.
Lowongan Kerja Senior Project Planner/ Scheduler
* Must Possess at least Bachelor s Degree of Engineering discipline.
* Having 10 (five) years working experience in related fields.
* Proven experienced as a Planning Engineer.
* Fluent English - both oral & written.
* Computer literate.
* Willing to work extended hours to meet project requirements.
* Team player & good communication skills.
Lowongan Kerja Sales Account Manager (Jakarta Role)
* Must possess at least Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineer, preferably in control and instrumentation.
* At least 3 years of experiences in the same position.
* Strong knowledge and experiences in Distributed Control System (DCS).
* Candidates must be willing to work in Jakarta.
Lowongan Kerja HR Manager (Kalimantan Base)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Human Recourse, or Law.
* Minimum of 10 years experiences in HR Management in senior level position.
* Experiences in project management, recruitment, personnel administration and general affair.
* Good understanding of manpower laws, regulation and policies.
* Experience in Mining and Oil & Gas companies.
* Excellent knowledge of English in spoken and written.
* Candidates must be willing to work in Kalimantan.
* Good experiences in maintaining relationship with labor unions.
Lowongan Kerja Heavy Equipment Operator
* Candidate must possess at least a Higher Secondary/STPM/"A" Level/Pre-U or Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma in Trades (Heavy Equipment Operator) or equivalent.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in mechanical/ construction industry.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Trades/Labour or equivalent.
* Contract positions available.
* Multiple positions available.
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
* Candidate must possess at least a Professional Certificate, Diploma or Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Maintenance/Mechanical or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
Salary and benefits: Salary and benefits are negotiable.
Please email your applications (in English and MS Word format) to : applications@verity.net.au
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Our client is a Multinational largest Mining Company, who expanding across Indonesia. Their growth is to be the Indonesia region’s leading Mining Company based on an integrity, teamwork and performance. They are seeking excellent candidates to join our expanding multinational operation based within the mining industry. Our client offering fantastic career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent salary packages. They are currently required a qualified, experienced, motivated candidate for the following positions:
Lowongan Kerja Mine Operations Manager (Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Role)
* Candidate must possess from Bachelor s Degree in Mining Engineering.
* Having 5 year(s) of working experience as Mine Operations Manager (“Kepala Teknik Tambang”).
* Having good understanding of mining operation.
* Knowledgeable in QSE, Mine Reclamation, and Rehabilitation.
* Have Certified in Mine Operations Manager ("Kepala Teknik Tambang").
* Having good relationship/network with government institutions.
* Excellent communication in both written and spoken English.
* Computer literate (MS Office).
* Good interpersonal and organizational skills.
* Highly self motivated and strong analytical skills.
* Creative and self starter, team player and having self integrity.
* Required skill(s) : MS Office Application.
* Required language(s) : English.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Central Kalimantan.
* Full-Time positions available.
Geotechnical Engineer (Kalimantan Role)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Geological Engineering/ Mining Engineering/ Geophysics or related discipline.
* Having experience minimum 3 years in geotechnical monitoring and analysis, preferably in more than one open cut mining environment.
* Competence in the use of geotechnical software and computer literate.
* Experienced working on major projects with major clients.
* Applicants must be willing to work at Balikpapan and Kalimantan.
* 2 Full-Time positions available.
* Full-Time positions available.
Community Manager (East Java Role / Lowongan Kerja Jawa Timur)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Construction, Engineering (Civil), Business Studies/Administration/Management or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): good communication and interpersonal skills, good knowledge of local community s culture.
* Required language(s) : English.
* At least 10 year(s) of working experience in community relations in remote area.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Corporate Affairs and Communications or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
Lowongan Kerja Construction Training Supervisor (Kalimantan Role)
* Candidate must possess at least a Higher Secondary/STPM/"A" Level/Pre-U or Diploma in Construction, Engineering (Civil) or equivalent.
* Candidate should hold Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
* Required skill(s): Planning, organizing, scheduling, and conducting technical training; good knowledge of effective presentation skills, organizational & time management techniques; good knowledge of office & audio/visual equipment; good knowledge of MS office application and other applicable programs.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in civil & construction project; experience in planning and delivering training groups.
* Other requirements: Ambitious, innovative, adaptable and able to work in international environment.
* Preferably specializing in Training or equivalent.
HSE Manager (FIFO Kalimantan)
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering (Environmental/Health/Safety), Engineering (Mining), Safety or equivalent and posses some level of formal training in the HSE field.
* Required skill(s): MS Office application, good knowledge and experience in implementing & monitoring HSE Management System requirements in compliance with Corporate & International Standards (OHSAS 18001 & ISO 14001 requirements).
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in East Kalimantan.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Health and Safety or equivalent.
Lowongan Kerja Senior Project Planner/ Scheduler
* Must Possess at least Bachelor s Degree of Engineering discipline.
* Having 10 (five) years working experience in related fields.
* Proven experienced as a Planning Engineer.
* Fluent English - both oral & written.
* Computer literate.
* Willing to work extended hours to meet project requirements.
* Team player & good communication skills.
Lowongan Kerja Sales Account Manager (Jakarta Role)
* Must possess at least Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineer, preferably in control and instrumentation.
* At least 3 years of experiences in the same position.
* Strong knowledge and experiences in Distributed Control System (DCS).
* Candidates must be willing to work in Jakarta.
Lowongan Kerja HR Manager (Kalimantan Base)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Human Recourse, or Law.
* Minimum of 10 years experiences in HR Management in senior level position.
* Experiences in project management, recruitment, personnel administration and general affair.
* Good understanding of manpower laws, regulation and policies.
* Experience in Mining and Oil & Gas companies.
* Excellent knowledge of English in spoken and written.
* Candidates must be willing to work in Kalimantan.
* Good experiences in maintaining relationship with labor unions.
Lowongan Kerja Heavy Equipment Operator
* Candidate must possess at least a Higher Secondary/STPM/"A" Level/Pre-U or Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma in Trades (Heavy Equipment Operator) or equivalent.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in mechanical/ construction industry.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Trades/Labour or equivalent.
* Contract positions available.
* Multiple positions available.
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
* Candidate must possess at least a Professional Certificate, Diploma or Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Maintenance/Mechanical or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
Salary and benefits: Salary and benefits are negotiable.
Please email your applications (in English and MS Word format) to : applications@verity.net.au
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KEJURUTERAAN QKS SDN BHD Project / Business / QA/QC / Engineering Manager, Project Engineer, Account / Admin Executive
Account, Admin Executive, Engineering Manager, Manager, Project Engineer, QA, QC
We are an exciting oil & gas company servicing oil major in Malaysia and overseas. We specialize in EPCC of oil & gas terminal, multi-discipline construction of oil a gas plants. We are now looking for qualified candidates to expand their career with us in Indonesia, Malaysia & overseas.
* Degree/Diploma in Engineering or equivalent
* Min 5 years working experience for engineers and 10 years working experience for Manager post
* Experience in plant piping works, tank construction or EPCC project experience of oil & gas project will be added advantage
Lowongan Kerja QA / QC MANAGER
* Degree/Diploma in engineering and/or CSWIP 3.1
* Minimum 8 years working experience in QA/QC works in oil a gas projects
* Experience in plant piping works, tank construction wilt be added advantage
* Degree/Diploma in Engineering, Business Administration or equivalent.
* Minimum 8 years working experience in business development and marketing of EPC project and oil & gas construction
* Possess good knowledge of Indonesia s oil & gas industry, local authorities and Local association registration requirement.
* Degree/Diploma in Finance, Accounting or equivalent
* Able to handle full sets of accounts and office administration
* Minimum 5 years working experience in construction industry or multinational company.
* Possess written and verbal English language skill.
For all above positions, candidates must posses good written / verbal communication skills in English
Interested candidates are invited to submit their comprehensive curriculum vitae, current and expected salary together with a passport photograph to:
Executive Director
47 Jalan PJU 1A/15, Taman Perindustrian Jaya
Ara Damansara, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Or email to : kqks@kqks.com.my Fax: 603-7845 0617
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* Degree/Diploma in Engineering or equivalent
* Min 5 years working experience for engineers and 10 years working experience for Manager post
* Experience in plant piping works, tank construction or EPCC project experience of oil & gas project will be added advantage
Lowongan Kerja QA / QC MANAGER
* Degree/Diploma in engineering and/or CSWIP 3.1
* Minimum 8 years working experience in QA/QC works in oil a gas projects
* Experience in plant piping works, tank construction wilt be added advantage
* Degree/Diploma in Engineering, Business Administration or equivalent.
* Minimum 8 years working experience in business development and marketing of EPC project and oil & gas construction
* Possess good knowledge of Indonesia s oil & gas industry, local authorities and Local association registration requirement.
* Degree/Diploma in Finance, Accounting or equivalent
* Able to handle full sets of accounts and office administration
* Minimum 5 years working experience in construction industry or multinational company.
* Possess written and verbal English language skill.
For all above positions, candidates must posses good written / verbal communication skills in English
Interested candidates are invited to submit their comprehensive curriculum vitae, current and expected salary together with a passport photograph to:
Executive Director
47 Jalan PJU 1A/15, Taman Perindustrian Jaya
Ara Damansara, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Or email to : kqks@kqks.com.my Fax: 603-7845 0617
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The Delegation of the European Commission in Indonesia has a vacancy for the following position :
The Delegation of the European Commission is looking for an Administrative Assistant with broad knowledge and interest in administrative matters for the Europe House in Banda Aceh. Europe House is part of the Delegation of the European Commission in Indonesia.The employee will be under the supervision of the Head of Office and will report to the Administration in Jakarta.
The applicant is expected to have :
* Education: Minimum qualification should be a diploma in accounting or business administration
* Experience: 5 years of experience in related tasks and responsibilities, preferably with at least two years in a similar position in an international environment
* Language: Bahasa Indonesia with very good knowledge of English
Responsibilities :
* Prepare monthly financial report
* Follow-up of cash flow (cash and bank account)
* Preparation and execution of payment rents, per diem, missions, other expenses …)
* Preparation of purchase orders and contracts
* Verification and collection of supporting documents (purchase orders, contracts, invoices, claims, receipts, authorization for expenditure…)
* Liaise with different suppliers
* Inventory
* Assisting in personnel matters and management of the local staff (recruitment, leave records, medical, insurance…)
* Other related tasks such as the organization of receptions, cultural events, film evenings
Other Skills :
* Computer literate
* Sense of initiative
* Able to work independently
This position will have a competitive salary package starting from IDR 13,500,000
Apply to : Delegation-indonesia-administration@ec.europa.eu
Only complete applications, including motivation letter and Curriculum Vitae in English will be considered.
We expect a large volume of applications so only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Closing date for the receipt of applications : Monday, 5 January 2009 at 15:30 PM.
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The Delegation of the European Commission is looking for an Administrative Assistant with broad knowledge and interest in administrative matters for the Europe House in Banda Aceh. Europe House is part of the Delegation of the European Commission in Indonesia.The employee will be under the supervision of the Head of Office and will report to the Administration in Jakarta.
The applicant is expected to have :
* Education: Minimum qualification should be a diploma in accounting or business administration
* Experience: 5 years of experience in related tasks and responsibilities, preferably with at least two years in a similar position in an international environment
* Language: Bahasa Indonesia with very good knowledge of English
Responsibilities :
* Prepare monthly financial report
* Follow-up of cash flow (cash and bank account)
* Preparation and execution of payment rents, per diem, missions, other expenses …)
* Preparation of purchase orders and contracts
* Verification and collection of supporting documents (purchase orders, contracts, invoices, claims, receipts, authorization for expenditure…)
* Liaise with different suppliers
* Inventory
* Assisting in personnel matters and management of the local staff (recruitment, leave records, medical, insurance…)
* Other related tasks such as the organization of receptions, cultural events, film evenings
Other Skills :
* Computer literate
* Sense of initiative
* Able to work independently
This position will have a competitive salary package starting from IDR 13,500,000
Apply to : Delegation-indonesia-administration@ec.europa.eu
Only complete applications, including motivation letter and Curriculum Vitae in English will be considered.
We expect a large volume of applications so only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Closing date for the receipt of applications : Monday, 5 January 2009 at 15:30 PM.
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The DAI-AMARTA project is working in nine value chains nationwide and seeks a full time addition staff to support coffee sector activities based in Jakarta.
dai, dai amarta, lowongan dai, lowongan dai amarta, lowongam dai amarta desember, lowongan dai amarta desember 2008, dai amarta desember, dai amarta lowongan, dai-amartaA major portion of this work will be implementing the activities of the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI), which is currently being supported by AMARTA. SCAI is a trade association representing the Arabica coffee industry in Indonesia . It has 51 members, including farmers' cooperatives, exporters and coffee retailers.
Qualifications :
* Experience managing a business, trade association or NGO
* Event planning, especially trade shows
* Promotion, media and fund raising
* Technical knowledge of the coffee sector (particularly Arabica coffee)
* Knowledge of intellectual property rights
* Minimum of a Bachelor's Degree
* Fluent written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia
Applications are open to qualified men and women with the right to work in Indonesia . Send cover letter and resume/CV to : hrd.amarta@gmail.com, not later than December 31st, 2008. Only short listed applicants will be contacted.
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dai, dai amarta, lowongan dai, lowongan dai amarta, lowongam dai amarta desember, lowongan dai amarta desember 2008, dai amarta desember, dai amarta lowongan, dai-amartaA major portion of this work will be implementing the activities of the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI), which is currently being supported by AMARTA. SCAI is a trade association representing the Arabica coffee industry in Indonesia . It has 51 members, including farmers' cooperatives, exporters and coffee retailers.
Qualifications :
* Experience managing a business, trade association or NGO
* Event planning, especially trade shows
* Promotion, media and fund raising
* Technical knowledge of the coffee sector (particularly Arabica coffee)
* Knowledge of intellectual property rights
* Minimum of a Bachelor's Degree
* Fluent written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia
Applications are open to qualified men and women with the right to work in Indonesia . Send cover letter and resume/CV to : hrd.amarta@gmail.com, not later than December 31st, 2008. Only short listed applicants will be contacted.
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PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.
Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:
Accountant (ACCT)
Responsibilities :
Ensure financial accounting transactions are proceed in accordance with internal policies and procedures.
Requirements :
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting with minimum GPA 3.00
* Fresh graduate up to 2 years of experience in Finance & Accounting
* Good level of computer literacy
* Proficient in oral and written English
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than December 31st, 2008 at : www.sampoerna.com/career or
send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com with “ACCT” as the subject
Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview
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Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:
Accountant (ACCT)
Responsibilities :
Ensure financial accounting transactions are proceed in accordance with internal policies and procedures.
Requirements :
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting with minimum GPA 3.00
* Fresh graduate up to 2 years of experience in Finance & Accounting
* Good level of computer literacy
* Proficient in oral and written English
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than December 31st, 2008 at : www.sampoerna.com/career or
send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com with “ACCT” as the subject
Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview
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PT. Urecel Indonesia, a growing Multinational Manufacturer Company, we are currently seeking an Import Export Staff (IMEX) for our factory at Cikupa, Tangerang :
Lowongan Kerja Import Export Staff (IMEX)
Qualifications :
* Male / Female, age not more than 27 years old
* Minimum Diploma from reputable Academy / University
* Having competency in Import & Export administration
* Working experience 1-3 years in manufacture, but fresh graduate are welcome to apply
* Good English both oral and written
* Self motivated, hard working and honest
* Willing to be placed on Cikupa Tangerang area
Please send detailed resume current and expected sallary along with recent photograph to :
PT. Urecel Indonesia
Jl. Raya Serang KM.21, Ds. Bojong RT.17/07 Cibadak
Cikupa -- Tangerang 15710
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Lowongan Kerja Import Export Staff (IMEX)
Qualifications :
* Male / Female, age not more than 27 years old
* Minimum Diploma from reputable Academy / University
* Having competency in Import & Export administration
* Working experience 1-3 years in manufacture, but fresh graduate are welcome to apply
* Good English both oral and written
* Self motivated, hard working and honest
* Willing to be placed on Cikupa Tangerang area
Please send detailed resume current and expected sallary along with recent photograph to :
PT. Urecel Indonesia
Jl. Raya Serang KM.21, Ds. Bojong RT.17/07 Cibadak
Cikupa -- Tangerang 15710
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With operation in all over Indonesia, this Multinational Mining Company is a significant player in the Mining Industry today. Their growth is to be the Indonesia region’s leading Mining Company based on an integrity, teamwork and performance. They are seeking excellent candidates to join our expanding multinational operation based within the mining industry. Our client offering fantastic career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent salary packages. They are currently required a qualified, experienced, motivated candidate for the following positions:
Lowongan Kerja Engineering Superintendent
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Civil Engineering, Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent
* Required skill(s): MS office application.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably specializing in Engineering or equivalent.
Lowongan Kerja Training Superintendent
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Business Studies / Lowongan Kerja Administration / Management, Human Resource Management or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): MS office application, presentation and training skill.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably specializing in HR or equivalent.
Lowongan Kerja Maintenance Planning Superintendent
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a relevant Mechanical Trade Qualifications Associated with Mobile Equipment
* Required skill(s): mechanical, maintenance, planning.
* At Minimum 10 years experience in a similar Senior Maintenance Planning Supervisory or Management role.
* Mining Industry experience in a Supervisory role.
* Familiarity with Maintenance Planning Software packages.
* Advanced interpersonal skills with the ability to lead and motivate a diverse team.
* A successful track record in the development of apprentices and subordinates.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
Lowongan Kerja Plant / Lowongan Kerja Maintenance Supervisor / Mechanic Supervisor
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree, Post Graduate Diploma or Master s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Mechanical Engineering, Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Coordinator/ Supervisors specializing in Maintenance / Mechanical / Plant Repair (Facilities & Machinery) or equivalent.
* Must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
Lowongan Kerja Plant Admin Supervisor
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Construction Engineering, Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering, Business Studies /Lowongan Kerja Administration /Management, Economics or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): MS Office Application.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field preferably experience in Mining Project at Plant Department.
* Applicants must be willing to work Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably specializing in Commercial or equivalent.
Fuel Supervisor
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Chemical Engineering , Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): MS. Office, Visio, AutoCAD, and fuel/oil management knowledge.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in mining industry.
* Preferably specializing in Engineering or equivalent.
Senior Mining Engineer
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering / Mineral Engineering.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in mining is required for this position.
* Have teaching / tutor background is essential.
* Experienced working on major projects with major clients.
* Excellent English - verbal, writing and speaking.
* Computer literacy.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
Procurement Officer
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering, Business Studies / Lowongan Kerja Administration / Management, Economics or equivalent.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in procurement activities for Mining industry.
* Required language: English, spoken and written.
* Excellent communication skills and capability to work in team.
* Contract management.
Drill and Blast Engineer
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): mechanical, Drilling and Blasting operations.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably Supervisors specializing in Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
Mechanical Design Engineer
Requirements :
* At least 7 year(s) Experience in Materials Handling Design Projects.
* Internationally recognized Degree.
* Experiences in Coal are essential, iron ore and cement are desirable, and Nickel, cooper, gold are optional.
* Required an Infrastructure Design experience in material handling such as:
- Conveyor and Feeder detail design
- Crushing Systems
- Wash Plant design
- Stockpile Storage designs
- Stockpile Stacking and reclaimer design
- Ship Loading/ Barge Loading designs
- Chute design
- Dust collection design
- Pneumatic conveying
- Dust Suppression
Salary and benefits:
Salary and benefits are negotiable.
Please email your applications (in English and Ms. Word format) to : applications@verity.net.au
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Lowongan Kerja Engineering Superintendent
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Civil Engineering, Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent
* Required skill(s): MS office application.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably specializing in Engineering or equivalent.
Lowongan Kerja Training Superintendent
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Business Studies / Lowongan Kerja Administration / Management, Human Resource Management or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): MS office application, presentation and training skill.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably specializing in HR or equivalent.
Lowongan Kerja Maintenance Planning Superintendent
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a relevant Mechanical Trade Qualifications Associated with Mobile Equipment
* Required skill(s): mechanical, maintenance, planning.
* At Minimum 10 years experience in a similar Senior Maintenance Planning Supervisory or Management role.
* Mining Industry experience in a Supervisory role.
* Familiarity with Maintenance Planning Software packages.
* Advanced interpersonal skills with the ability to lead and motivate a diverse team.
* A successful track record in the development of apprentices and subordinates.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
Lowongan Kerja Plant / Lowongan Kerja Maintenance Supervisor / Mechanic Supervisor
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree, Post Graduate Diploma or Master s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Mechanical Engineering, Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Coordinator/ Supervisors specializing in Maintenance / Mechanical / Plant Repair (Facilities & Machinery) or equivalent.
* Must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
Lowongan Kerja Plant Admin Supervisor
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Construction Engineering, Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering, Business Studies /Lowongan Kerja Administration /Management, Economics or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): MS Office Application.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field preferably experience in Mining Project at Plant Department.
* Applicants must be willing to work Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably specializing in Commercial or equivalent.
Fuel Supervisor
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Chemical Engineering , Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): MS. Office, Visio, AutoCAD, and fuel/oil management knowledge.
* Required language(s): English.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in mining industry.
* Preferably specializing in Engineering or equivalent.
Senior Mining Engineer
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering / Mineral Engineering.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in mining is required for this position.
* Have teaching / tutor background is essential.
* Experienced working on major projects with major clients.
* Excellent English - verbal, writing and speaking.
* Computer literacy.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
Procurement Officer
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering, Business Studies / Lowongan Kerja Administration / Management, Economics or equivalent.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in procurement activities for Mining industry.
* Required language: English, spoken and written.
* Excellent communication skills and capability to work in team.
* Contract management.
Drill and Blast Engineer
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): mechanical, Drilling and Blasting operations.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Lowongan Kerja Kalimantan Timur.
* Preferably Supervisors specializing in Lowongan Kerja Mining Engineering or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
Mechanical Design Engineer
Requirements :
* At least 7 year(s) Experience in Materials Handling Design Projects.
* Internationally recognized Degree.
* Experiences in Coal are essential, iron ore and cement are desirable, and Nickel, cooper, gold are optional.
* Required an Infrastructure Design experience in material handling such as:
- Conveyor and Feeder detail design
- Crushing Systems
- Wash Plant design
- Stockpile Storage designs
- Stockpile Stacking and reclaimer design
- Ship Loading/ Barge Loading designs
- Chute design
- Dust collection design
- Pneumatic conveying
- Dust Suppression
Salary and benefits:
Salary and benefits are negotiable.
Please email your applications (in English and Ms. Word format) to : applications@verity.net.au
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PT Medco Energi Internasional, Tbk - is a leading oil and gas company engaged in exploration and production, currently operating 18 blocks in Indonesia. The company culture is shaped by its values: professional, ethical, open, and innovative. The company is involved with a number of upcoming projects and is currently seeking for experienced candidates in the following positions to support its operations:
Head of Exploration
Qualificationa :
* A degree (S1) in Geological or Mining Exploration from reputable university or institute
* A minimum 15 years of experience (Senior Level) in discovery and mine evaluation role in coal and mineral
* Experience in resources modeling, project progression, and RC Drilling Supervision.
* Experience in mineral exploration base on Valmin Code & Coal Exploration based on JORC is an advantage
* Certified Competence for Indonesian mining inspector (POU/POM/POP) & JORC certified would be an advantage
* Team oriented, Self motivated and ability to priorities work
* Strong Interpersonal & Communication Skills
* Able to effectively identified problem, gathering and analyzing the information
* Proficiency in MS Office, GIS, Mincom & Exploration Software
* Fluent in English both oral and written is a must
Suitable candidate should submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae to :
Human Resources Division
Email to : hrmei-recruit@medcoenergi.com
Closing date: 4 January 2009.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
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Head of Exploration
Qualificationa :
* A degree (S1) in Geological or Mining Exploration from reputable university or institute
* A minimum 15 years of experience (Senior Level) in discovery and mine evaluation role in coal and mineral
* Experience in resources modeling, project progression, and RC Drilling Supervision.
* Experience in mineral exploration base on Valmin Code & Coal Exploration based on JORC is an advantage
* Certified Competence for Indonesian mining inspector (POU/POM/POP) & JORC certified would be an advantage
* Team oriented, Self motivated and ability to priorities work
* Strong Interpersonal & Communication Skills
* Able to effectively identified problem, gathering and analyzing the information
* Proficiency in MS Office, GIS, Mincom & Exploration Software
* Fluent in English both oral and written is a must
Suitable candidate should submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae to :
Human Resources Division
Email to : hrmei-recruit@medcoenergi.com
Closing date: 4 January 2009.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
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Lowongan Kerja PT. Dream Sentosa Indonesia, a global sourcing network garment and bag manufacturer located in Karawang, is seeking highly qualified candidates to full in below positions:
Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Manager (1 person)
* Experience in its field at least 5 years
* Minimum S1
* Master in Manpower Law
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja GA Staff &
Lowongan Kerja HRD Staff,
Lowongan Kerja Payroll Staff (3 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
* Payroll Staff understanding Jamsostek is preferable
Lowongan Kerja Assistant Manager Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Purchasing (5 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Please send your application letter & curriculum vitae via email to : leni@dream4all.com or send full documents to :
Dusun Mangga Besar II RT 16/04 Kel. Walahar, Kec. Klari,
Karawang Timur 41371.
Attn: Leni Julianti
Please write position on top right side of the envelope. All applications received not later than December 31, 2008
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Lowongan Kerja Human Resource Manager (1 person)
* Experience in its field at least 5 years
* Minimum S1
* Master in Manpower Law
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja GA Staff &
Lowongan Kerja HRD Staff,
Lowongan Kerja Payroll Staff (3 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written (preferable)
* Computer literate
* Payroll Staff understanding Jamsostek is preferable
Lowongan Kerja Assistant Manager Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Marketing (5 persons)
* Experience in garment and textile at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Lowongan Kerja Staff Purchasing (5 persons)
* Experience in its field at least 2-3 years
* Min D3
* English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate
Please send your application letter & curriculum vitae via email to : leni@dream4all.com or send full documents to :
Dusun Mangga Besar II RT 16/04 Kel. Walahar, Kec. Klari,
Karawang Timur 41371.
Attn: Leni Julianti
Please write position on top right side of the envelope. All applications received not later than December 31, 2008
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Lowongan Kerja Sinarmas World Academy is an exciting new school which opened in July 2008. We are seeking enthusiastic, experienced teachers to join our team for the school year beginning July 2009. Attractive packages will be provided for successful applicants:
Teaching Vacancies :
* Elementary Teachers
* Middle School / High School (IB MYP / IB DP) Teachers
- English Teacher
- Humanities (Geography, History or Economics) Teacher
- Mathematics Teacher
- Science (physics, Chemistry or Biology) Teacher
* Additional Specialists :
- ESL Teacher
- IT Teacher
- Art Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Physical Education Teacher
- Chinese Teacher
- Religion - Islam Teacher
Other Vacancies :
* Teacher Assistants
* IT helpdesk Staff, experienced in Apple
Qualification required:
* Minimum with degree in education and / or subject specialisation.
* Have a strong background in teaching in an international school or National Plus school.
Qualification preferred : Experience working in IB programs.
Please send your application with resume and photo to :
HR Manager
Sinarmas World Academy
Jl. TM Pahlawan Seribu CBD Lot XV
BSD City Tangerang 15322
Read More..
Teaching Vacancies :
* Elementary Teachers
* Middle School / High School (IB MYP / IB DP) Teachers
- English Teacher
- Humanities (Geography, History or Economics) Teacher
- Mathematics Teacher
- Science (physics, Chemistry or Biology) Teacher
* Additional Specialists :
- ESL Teacher
- IT Teacher
- Art Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Physical Education Teacher
- Chinese Teacher
- Religion - Islam Teacher
Other Vacancies :
* Teacher Assistants
* IT helpdesk Staff, experienced in Apple
Qualification required:
* Minimum with degree in education and / or subject specialisation.
* Have a strong background in teaching in an international school or National Plus school.
Qualification preferred : Experience working in IB programs.
Please send your application with resume and photo to :
HR Manager
Sinarmas World Academy
Jl. TM Pahlawan Seribu CBD Lot XV
BSD City Tangerang 15322
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We are a well-known PMA multinational company based in Cikarang now is looking for qualified individuals to join our company for the following position:
Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Male/Female, Bachelor degree in Psychology (Psychologgist are prefered), able to use Psychological Tools and Make a Report
Female, Min. diploma degree all major
The candidates should fulfill the following requirements :
* Male / Female, single, max age 27 years old
* Having experience in manufacturing industries will be an advantage
* Minimal GPA 3.00, computer literate (minimal Microsoft Office & Excel)
* Proficiency in English speaking and writing will be an advantage
* Willing to work in shift and overtime.
* Good leadership, communication, team work & high interpersonal skill
Send your complete resume to : HRD MANAGER PO. BOX 7474 MM2100/17520A
Please state the position code on the left corner not later than Desember 27, 2008. Only qualified candidates will be invited for further process.
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Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Male/Female, Bachelor degree in Psychology (Psychologgist are prefered), able to use Psychological Tools and Make a Report
Female, Min. diploma degree all major
The candidates should fulfill the following requirements :
* Male / Female, single, max age 27 years old
* Having experience in manufacturing industries will be an advantage
* Minimal GPA 3.00, computer literate (minimal Microsoft Office & Excel)
* Proficiency in English speaking and writing will be an advantage
* Willing to work in shift and overtime.
* Good leadership, communication, team work & high interpersonal skill
Send your complete resume to : HRD MANAGER PO. BOX 7474 MM2100/17520A
Please state the position code on the left corner not later than Desember 27, 2008. Only qualified candidates will be invited for further process.
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Sebuah Lowongan Kerja Bank Nasional yang berkembang di Indonesia membuka peluang bagi tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:
Lowongan Kerja Call Center (CC)
* Menyukai pekerjaan yang bersifat pelayanan
* Bersedia untuk bekerja shift
Lowongan Kerja Data Entry (DE)
* Memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi
Kualifikasi umum :
Belum menikah, Usia max. 28 th, IPK min. 2,75, pendidikan min. D3
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap (CV, fotokopi ijazah, transkrip nilai), pas foto, fotokopi KTP ke :
PO BOX 100 JKPWR 10220A
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Lowongan Kerja Call Center (CC)
* Menyukai pekerjaan yang bersifat pelayanan
* Bersedia untuk bekerja shift
Lowongan Kerja Data Entry (DE)
* Memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi
Kualifikasi umum :
Belum menikah, Usia max. 28 th, IPK min. 2,75, pendidikan min. D3
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap (CV, fotokopi ijazah, transkrip nilai), pas foto, fotokopi KTP ke :
PO BOX 100 JKPWR 10220A
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PT Supraco Indonesia is a privately owned company with over 29 years experience in providing integrated services to Oil & Gas Industry in Indonesia. Founded in 1979 by the name of PT. Summa Prakarsa Corporation, the company is part of Radiant Group, which is one of the most succesful companies in Indonesia energy sector.
We are seeking for the best candidate to fill the following position of :
1. Tool Pusher
2. Bush Master
3. Driller
4. Ass Driller
5. Jack Tech
6. Pumpman
7. Derrickman
8. Floorman / Roungneck
9. Crane Operator
10. Roustabout
11. Mechanic
12. Motorman
13. Electrical
14. Welder
15. Operator Radio
16. Head Painter / Painter
17. Warehouse
18. Medic
Qualifications :
* Have minimum 3 years experienced in Offshore Rig
* Able to communicate in English
* Good team player and endow with excellent Interpersonal skill
* Result of medical check up
* Have valid certification:
* BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
* HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
* Sea Survival
* Certificate M I G A S
Please sent your application with copy certification and reference not later than January 03, 2008 to HR Departement :
Head Office
PT. Supraco Indonesia
JI. Kapt Tendean 22a Mampang
Jakarta Selatan 12720
Branch Office
PT. Supraco Indonesia
JI. Pupuk Raya No.58
Balikpapan Selatan 76114
Or Email : recruitment@supraco.com
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We are seeking for the best candidate to fill the following position of :
1. Tool Pusher
2. Bush Master
3. Driller
4. Ass Driller
5. Jack Tech
6. Pumpman
7. Derrickman
8. Floorman / Roungneck
9. Crane Operator
10. Roustabout
11. Mechanic
12. Motorman
13. Electrical
14. Welder
15. Operator Radio
16. Head Painter / Painter
17. Warehouse
18. Medic
Qualifications :
* Have minimum 3 years experienced in Offshore Rig
* Able to communicate in English
* Good team player and endow with excellent Interpersonal skill
* Result of medical check up
* Have valid certification:
* BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
* HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
* Sea Survival
* Certificate M I G A S
Please sent your application with copy certification and reference not later than January 03, 2008 to HR Departement :
Head Office
PT. Supraco Indonesia
JI. Kapt Tendean 22a Mampang
Jakarta Selatan 12720
Branch Office
PT. Supraco Indonesia
JI. Pupuk Raya No.58
Balikpapan Selatan 76114
Or Email : recruitment@supraco.com
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PT. Pipit Mutiara Jaya is a coal miner and producer in East Kalimantan with its branch office in Lowongan Kerja Jakarta, urgently seeking potential and experienced applicants to join the company for below full time positions:
Lowongan Kerja Archiver position
* High capability of handling, managing, archiving huge amount of data using appropriate Method/ proper archiving system.
* Excellent knowledge as librarian, 5 years experience preferred.
* Fluent in English (speak, listen and write), communicate clearly and concisely.
* University graduate as minimum educational background.
* Proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, archive related softwares and use of the internet.
* Can work under pressure, fast paced environment, teamwork.
* Recommendation from past employers.
* Indonesian citizen.
Lowongan Kerja Secretary position
* Excellent in English (speak, listen, write), communicate clearly and concisely.
* Plan, organize and prioritize multiple tasks within a defined time period.
* University graduate as minimum educational background.
* Experienced in big corporate, 3 years experience preferred.
* Proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and use of the internet
* Can work under pressure, fast paced environment, teamwork.
* Recommendation from past employers.
* Indonesian citizen.
Salary starts at IDR 7 million per month nett, will further reviewed and negotiated based on past experiences. Successful applicants will be stationed in Lowongan Kerja Jakarta office.
SEND RESUME / CV + RECENT PHOTO TO : c_frankline@pipit-pmj.co.id
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Lowongan Kerja Archiver position
* High capability of handling, managing, archiving huge amount of data using appropriate Method/ proper archiving system.
* Excellent knowledge as librarian, 5 years experience preferred.
* Fluent in English (speak, listen and write), communicate clearly and concisely.
* University graduate as minimum educational background.
* Proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, archive related softwares and use of the internet.
* Can work under pressure, fast paced environment, teamwork.
* Recommendation from past employers.
* Indonesian citizen.
Lowongan Kerja Secretary position
* Excellent in English (speak, listen, write), communicate clearly and concisely.
* Plan, organize and prioritize multiple tasks within a defined time period.
* University graduate as minimum educational background.
* Experienced in big corporate, 3 years experience preferred.
* Proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and use of the internet
* Can work under pressure, fast paced environment, teamwork.
* Recommendation from past employers.
* Indonesian citizen.
Salary starts at IDR 7 million per month nett, will further reviewed and negotiated based on past experiences. Successful applicants will be stationed in Lowongan Kerja Jakarta office.
SEND RESUME / CV + RECENT PHOTO TO : c_frankline@pipit-pmj.co.id
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LOWONGAN KERJA PT SYSPEX KEMASINDO, a well-known international packaging company is currently looking for energetic, qualified and experienced professionals to fill the following vacancies:
* Min 2 years experience in industrial sales
* Min S1 degree in Technical Engeineering / Mechanical Engineering or equivalent
* Fluent in English both spoken and written.
* Initiative, fast learning, and good analytical skill. Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision and an excellent team player.
* Hard worker with result oriented.
* Willing to travel within Indonesia and overseas.
* For Lowongan Kerja Jakarta and Lowongan Kerja Surabaya office
* Min D3 in Accounting with at least 2 years experience
* Good knowledge of basic accounting
* Fluent in English will be an advantage
* Familiar with Microsoft Office application
* For Lowongan Surabaya office
If you meet the above qualification, please send your complete resume and recent photograph not later than 27 December 2008 to :
Bangunan Industri Multiguna Blok H 1/22
Taman Tekno - BSD City
Serpong - Tangerang
Or email to : info@syspex.co.id
Only shortlisted candidate will be notified
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* Min 2 years experience in industrial sales
* Min S1 degree in Technical Engeineering / Mechanical Engineering or equivalent
* Fluent in English both spoken and written.
* Initiative, fast learning, and good analytical skill. Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision and an excellent team player.
* Hard worker with result oriented.
* Willing to travel within Indonesia and overseas.
* For Lowongan Kerja Jakarta and Lowongan Kerja Surabaya office
* Min D3 in Accounting with at least 2 years experience
* Good knowledge of basic accounting
* Fluent in English will be an advantage
* Familiar with Microsoft Office application
* For Lowongan Surabaya office
If you meet the above qualification, please send your complete resume and recent photograph not later than 27 December 2008 to :
Bangunan Industri Multiguna Blok H 1/22
Taman Tekno - BSD City
Serpong - Tangerang
Or email to : info@syspex.co.id
Only shortlisted candidate will be notified
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Lowongan Kerja PT Cargill Indonesia Accounting Staff, Laboratoyr Analyst, Production Management Trainee
Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan, Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Cargill Desember 2008, Accounting Staff, Laboratory Analyst, Production Management Trainee Cargill, CargillCargill is an international provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and services. We are committed to using our knowledge and experience to collaborate with customers to help them succeed. We invite experienced professionals in Plant / Production / Laboratory and Accounting sectors to join our world class team as :
* S1 graduates from reputable universities, majoring in Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Accounting / Animal Science or Chemistry with minimum GPA 3.0
* 2-3 years experience in the above related fields.
* Computer literate, especially Ms Office
* Good mastery of English
* Available to be placed in Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Plant or Gunung Putri - Lowongan Kerja Bogor Plant or other locations in Indonesia.
* Dynamic and innovative team player
Send your CV, a passport sized photograph, copies of your education certificates, reference letters and application letter ASAP mentioning the specific position your are applying to:
Jl. Raya Telajung Udik, Gunung Putri
Citeureup - BOGOR 16962
Jalan Raya Balongwatu, Cangkringmalang
Kec. Beji - Pasuruan 67154
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for further interviews
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Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan, Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Cargill Desember 2008, Accounting Staff, Laboratory Analyst, Production Management Trainee Cargill, CargillCargill is an international provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and services. We are committed to using our knowledge and experience to collaborate with customers to help them succeed. We invite experienced professionals in Plant / Production / Laboratory and Accounting sectors to join our world class team as :
* S1 graduates from reputable universities, majoring in Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Accounting / Animal Science or Chemistry with minimum GPA 3.0
* 2-3 years experience in the above related fields.
* Computer literate, especially Ms Office
* Good mastery of English
* Available to be placed in Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Plant or Gunung Putri - Lowongan Kerja Bogor Plant or other locations in Indonesia.
* Dynamic and innovative team player
Send your CV, a passport sized photograph, copies of your education certificates, reference letters and application letter ASAP mentioning the specific position your are applying to:
Jl. Raya Telajung Udik, Gunung Putri
Citeureup - BOGOR 16962
Jalan Raya Balongwatu, Cangkringmalang
Kec. Beji - Pasuruan 67154
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for further interviews
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Lowongan Kerja PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia is a joint venture sales company, looking for qualified personnels with high motivation and initiative. If you can work in a team and are willing to work hard in a highly dynamic and demanding situations, we invite you to fill our vacant position as :
Lowongan Kerja Logistic Staff
Requirements :
* Diploma 3 degree of any discipline from reputable university with minimum GPA 2.75.
* Male or Female with maximum 30 years of age
* Have minimum 3 years professional experiences in supply change management preferably from consumer good industry
* Have the ability to plan, provide, receive, and distribute items from one branch to another
* Good interpersonal skill as well as written and oral communication skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English
* Ability to work independently under minimum supervision
* Proficient in the use of computer based Office tools (Ms Office)
* Have strong communication, presentation, leadership and interpersonal skills
* Creative, attractive, and persuasive
Please send your comprehensive application (CV, a recent photograph, copy of diploma and academic transcript) and indicate position code on top-left of the envelope or as a subject not later than 27 December 2008 to :
PT. Panasonic Gobel Indonesia
Jl. Dewi Sartika no 14, Cawang II
Jakarta Timur 13630
or recruitment.hrs@id.panasonic.com
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Lowongan Kerja Logistic Staff
Requirements :
* Diploma 3 degree of any discipline from reputable university with minimum GPA 2.75.
* Male or Female with maximum 30 years of age
* Have minimum 3 years professional experiences in supply change management preferably from consumer good industry
* Have the ability to plan, provide, receive, and distribute items from one branch to another
* Good interpersonal skill as well as written and oral communication skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English
* Ability to work independently under minimum supervision
* Proficient in the use of computer based Office tools (Ms Office)
* Have strong communication, presentation, leadership and interpersonal skills
* Creative, attractive, and persuasive
Please send your comprehensive application (CV, a recent photograph, copy of diploma and academic transcript) and indicate position code on top-left of the envelope or as a subject not later than 27 December 2008 to :
PT. Panasonic Gobel Indonesia
Jl. Dewi Sartika no 14, Cawang II
Jakarta Timur 13630
or recruitment.hrs@id.panasonic.com
Read More..
Lowongan Kerja Imeco is a dynamic business organization managed by executives who are recognized leaders in their respective fields. Imeco attributes its success to the spirit and dedication of its staffs and employees. As a good corporate citizen, Imeco is committed to take an active role in the development of Indonesia and to fulfill its social responsibilities to the community.
We are offering challenges and opportunities to energetic and ambitious people for the positions :
1. Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager (SM) - Lowongan Kerja Balikpapan based
2. Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineers (SE)
3. Lowongan Kerja Field Service Manager (FSM)
4. Lowongan Kerja Field Service Engineers (FSE)
5. Lowongan Kerja Sales Administration & Lowongan Kerja Commercial Staff (SAC)
6. Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff (AS)
General Qualifications :
* Good command of English speaking, reading and report writing
* Preferably have good skills of computer (MS Office)
* Have pleasant personality, good inter-personal communication and good analytical ability.
Specific Qualification :
Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager
* Male with maximum age 35 years old
* S1 Mechanical / Electrical Engineering graduated
* Preferably with Minimum 5 years in sales experience in the Oil & Gas industry and/or Power Generation industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer
* Male with maximum age 33 years old
* S1 Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic Engineering graduated
* Preferably with Minimum 3 years in sales experience in the Oil & Gas industry and/or Power Generation industry
* One Sales Engineer preferably have an experience in the Pulp and Paper and or Cement industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Field Service Manager
* Male with maximum age 35 years old
* S1 Mechanical / Electrical Engineering graduated
* Preferably with minimum 3 years in Field Manager experience in the Oil & Gas Industry and/or Power Generation industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Field Service Engineer
* Male with maximum age 28 years old
* Polytechnic or Dill Mechanical/Electrical Engineering graduated
* Preferably with minimum 3 years experience in Field Engineer in Oil & Gas industry and/or Power Generation industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Sales Administration & Lowongan Kerja Commercial Staff
* Male or Female with maximum age 28 years old
* Minimum DIII Management or Accountancy graduated
* Preferably with minimum 3 years experience in Sales Administration and International Trading.
Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff
* Preferably Female, maximum 28 years old
* University Graduate in Accountancy, GPA above 3.0
* Having knowledge of Taxation
* Preferably with minimum 1 year experience
Beltway Office Park, Building A, 7 fl
Jl. Ampera Raya NO. 9 & 10
Jakarta 12550
Or hrd@imeco.co.id
Read More..
We are offering challenges and opportunities to energetic and ambitious people for the positions :
1. Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager (SM) - Lowongan Kerja Balikpapan based
2. Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineers (SE)
3. Lowongan Kerja Field Service Manager (FSM)
4. Lowongan Kerja Field Service Engineers (FSE)
5. Lowongan Kerja Sales Administration & Lowongan Kerja Commercial Staff (SAC)
6. Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff (AS)
General Qualifications :
* Good command of English speaking, reading and report writing
* Preferably have good skills of computer (MS Office)
* Have pleasant personality, good inter-personal communication and good analytical ability.
Specific Qualification :
Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager
* Male with maximum age 35 years old
* S1 Mechanical / Electrical Engineering graduated
* Preferably with Minimum 5 years in sales experience in the Oil & Gas industry and/or Power Generation industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer
* Male with maximum age 33 years old
* S1 Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic Engineering graduated
* Preferably with Minimum 3 years in sales experience in the Oil & Gas industry and/or Power Generation industry
* One Sales Engineer preferably have an experience in the Pulp and Paper and or Cement industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Field Service Manager
* Male with maximum age 35 years old
* S1 Mechanical / Electrical Engineering graduated
* Preferably with minimum 3 years in Field Manager experience in the Oil & Gas Industry and/or Power Generation industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Field Service Engineer
* Male with maximum age 28 years old
* Polytechnic or Dill Mechanical/Electrical Engineering graduated
* Preferably with minimum 3 years experience in Field Engineer in Oil & Gas industry and/or Power Generation industry
* Willing to travel extensively throughout Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Sales Administration & Lowongan Kerja Commercial Staff
* Male or Female with maximum age 28 years old
* Minimum DIII Management or Accountancy graduated
* Preferably with minimum 3 years experience in Sales Administration and International Trading.
Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff
* Preferably Female, maximum 28 years old
* University Graduate in Accountancy, GPA above 3.0
* Having knowledge of Taxation
* Preferably with minimum 1 year experience
Beltway Office Park, Building A, 7 fl
Jl. Ampera Raya NO. 9 & 10
Jakarta 12550
Or hrd@imeco.co.id
Read More..
Lowongan Kerja Global Doctor International Medical Center, an international network of medical Clinic in Asia searching for applicants in the following positions:
Lowongan Kerja Administration Officer / Lowongan Kerja Front Office
* Female
* Customer Service Oriented
* Excellent English written and verbal communication skills
* Pleasane and professional manner in person or over the phone
* Basic knowledge of Microsoft office and Outlook would be preferred
* Exceptional organizational, time management and prioritization skills
* Ability to work well under pressure
* Ability to produce high quality work in accordance clinic standards
Lowongan Kerja Perawat (Lowongan Kerja Nurse)
* Female
* Nursing Academy graduate
* Having experience working in hospital on clinic more than 2 year
* Good personality and attractive
Send applications CV and recent photograph to :
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 87
Jakarta Selatan 12730
or email to : hrd@globaldoctorjakarta.xom
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Lowongan Kerja Administration Officer / Lowongan Kerja Front Office
* Female
* Customer Service Oriented
* Excellent English written and verbal communication skills
* Pleasane and professional manner in person or over the phone
* Basic knowledge of Microsoft office and Outlook would be preferred
* Exceptional organizational, time management and prioritization skills
* Ability to work well under pressure
* Ability to produce high quality work in accordance clinic standards
Lowongan Kerja Perawat (Lowongan Kerja Nurse)
* Female
* Nursing Academy graduate
* Having experience working in hospital on clinic more than 2 year
* Good personality and attractive
Send applications CV and recent photograph to :
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 87
Jakarta Selatan 12730
or email to : hrd@globaldoctorjakarta.xom
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The Irish Red Cross-Indonesia Delegation is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Senior Project Officer of the Communication department. The Senior Project Officer is responsible for the overall function of communications. This is a 3 months fixed term position (with the possibility of extension) based in Banda Aceh with extensive travel required throughout the Aceh Province and Nias.
Senior Project Officer – Communication
Qualifications :
* University degree in social work, media, sociology, social services or related studies.
* Proven skills in editing & the journalism area are must.
* Work experience in community outreach and media management skills.
* Minimum 5 years of experience in journalism, knowledge of print media development, production, distribution, etc.
* Able to work with tight deadlines and schedules.
* Experience working in an international setting, preferably with NGO’s / local government settings.
* Well networked with international NGO and Media communities.
* Strong Computer skills in MS Office and internet applications, graphics program skills preferred.
* Good information analysis, report writing, and cross cultural communication skills.
* Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and Bahasa, knowledge of the Aceh language would be an advantage.
* Knowledge and understanding the fundamental principle of the Red Cross Movement.
Applicants who are interested in this position should submit along with your CV, a recent photograph, current salary and salary expectations for this position.
Application should be received not later than Saturday, 27 December 2008.
Applications should be sent to :
Irish Red Cross – Indonesia Delegation
Attention: HR Officer
IFRC Banda Aceh Office
Jl. Ajuen Jeumpet No.18B
Desa Ajuen Juempet
Kec. Darul Imarah, Aceh Besar, 23353
Email : recruitment.ircs@gmail.com
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Senior Project Officer – Communication
Qualifications :
* University degree in social work, media, sociology, social services or related studies.
* Proven skills in editing & the journalism area are must.
* Work experience in community outreach and media management skills.
* Minimum 5 years of experience in journalism, knowledge of print media development, production, distribution, etc.
* Able to work with tight deadlines and schedules.
* Experience working in an international setting, preferably with NGO’s / local government settings.
* Well networked with international NGO and Media communities.
* Strong Computer skills in MS Office and internet applications, graphics program skills preferred.
* Good information analysis, report writing, and cross cultural communication skills.
* Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and Bahasa, knowledge of the Aceh language would be an advantage.
* Knowledge and understanding the fundamental principle of the Red Cross Movement.
Applicants who are interested in this position should submit along with your CV, a recent photograph, current salary and salary expectations for this position.
Application should be received not later than Saturday, 27 December 2008.
Applications should be sent to :
Irish Red Cross – Indonesia Delegation
Attention: HR Officer
IFRC Banda Aceh Office
Jl. Ajuen Jeumpet No.18B
Desa Ajuen Juempet
Kec. Darul Imarah, Aceh Besar, 23353
Email : recruitment.ircs@gmail.com
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Make smart choice to grow with our culture (previously – Malya Bandung). The Only Five-stat Lowongan Kerja Hotel with Paradise view will re-open soon! Invites motivated talented candidates to fill the following positions:
Management Level
* Lowongan Kerja Financial Controller
* Lowongan Kerja Executive Chef (expatriate my apply)
* Lowongan Kerja F&B Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Banquet Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Front Office Manager
* Lowongan Kerja IT Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Director of Sales
* Lowongan Kerja Marketing Communication Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager (Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Based)
* Lowongan Kerja Training Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Duty Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Assistant F&B Manager
Supervisor Level
* Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive
* Lowongan Kerja Front Office Supervisor
* Lowongan Kerja Housekeeping Supervisor
* Lowongan Kerja Duty Engineer
* Lowongan Kerja Banquet Sales
* Lowongan Kerja F&B Supervisor
* Lowongan Kerja Chef De Party
Rank & File Level
* Lowongan Kerja Front Office Staff
* Lowongan Kerja Cooks
* Lowongan Kerja Technician
* Lowongan Kerja Accounting Clerk
* Lowongan Kerja Reservation Officer
* Lowongan Kerja Room Attendant
* Lowongan Kerja Waiter / Lowongan Kerja Waitress, Lowongan Kerja Bartender
* Lowongan Kerja Hotel Artist
* Lowongan Kerja Secretary
* Lowongan Kerja Restaurant Greeter
General Requirements :
* Male/female maximum age 37 years (Management), 27 years (Supervisor), 23 years (Staff)
* Minimum 2 years experience on the same positions at four stars hotel
* Hotel college or other reputable university graduates
* Spoken and written English Fluently
* Strong leadership, goal oriented (management and supervisor level)
* Good personality, service attitude and able to work in a team
Send your application and CV no later than January 3, 2009 to :
Jl. Ranca Bentang 56-58 Ciumbeluit – Bandung 40142
Email: hrm@malyabandung.com
Padma Hotel & Resort
Padma Resort – Bali at Legian, Padma Hotel - Bandung
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Management Level
* Lowongan Kerja Financial Controller
* Lowongan Kerja Executive Chef (expatriate my apply)
* Lowongan Kerja F&B Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Banquet Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Front Office Manager
* Lowongan Kerja IT Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Director of Sales
* Lowongan Kerja Marketing Communication Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Sales Manager (Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Based)
* Lowongan Kerja Training Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Duty Manager
* Lowongan Kerja Assistant F&B Manager
Supervisor Level
* Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive
* Lowongan Kerja Front Office Supervisor
* Lowongan Kerja Housekeeping Supervisor
* Lowongan Kerja Duty Engineer
* Lowongan Kerja Banquet Sales
* Lowongan Kerja F&B Supervisor
* Lowongan Kerja Chef De Party
Rank & File Level
* Lowongan Kerja Front Office Staff
* Lowongan Kerja Cooks
* Lowongan Kerja Technician
* Lowongan Kerja Accounting Clerk
* Lowongan Kerja Reservation Officer
* Lowongan Kerja Room Attendant
* Lowongan Kerja Waiter / Lowongan Kerja Waitress, Lowongan Kerja Bartender
* Lowongan Kerja Hotel Artist
* Lowongan Kerja Secretary
* Lowongan Kerja Restaurant Greeter
General Requirements :
* Male/female maximum age 37 years (Management), 27 years (Supervisor), 23 years (Staff)
* Minimum 2 years experience on the same positions at four stars hotel
* Hotel college or other reputable university graduates
* Spoken and written English Fluently
* Strong leadership, goal oriented (management and supervisor level)
* Good personality, service attitude and able to work in a team
Send your application and CV no later than January 3, 2009 to :
Jl. Ranca Bentang 56-58 Ciumbeluit – Bandung 40142
Email: hrm@malyabandung.com
Padma Hotel & Resort
Padma Resort – Bali at Legian, Padma Hotel - Bandung
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