Lowongan Kerja Support Software Akuntansi - Omega Accounting

Hanya untuk pribadi yang cerdas dan semangat yang ingin memiliki karir & pengalaman tak terbatas!!
Kami, Esplanade Tech adalah perusahaan pengembang software akuntansi Omega

Kami telah mendesain jenjang karir yang jelas untuk Anda.

Kami mendukung performa terbaik Anda dengan penyediaan training accounting & produk secara berkesinambungan.

Produk kami adalah Omega accounting; software bisnis yang akan membantu kehidupan usaha
dan pengusaha agar lebih baik, mudah dipahami dan cocok digunakan di Indonesia.

Untuk pengembangan unit usaha baru, kami mencari pekerja keras dan
ambisius untuk menjadi: Support dan Training
Job Responsibility:
Job desc:
Memberikan training dan konsultasi kepada user OMEGA

Fresh Graduate S1 Akuntansi dari universitas ternama
Mengerti akuntansi dengan sangat baik
Tertarik belajar software akuntansi
Senang menjelaskan akuntansi

Company Name & Address:
Lamaran via email ditujukan ke
hrd@omegaacc.com dengan subjek ITS

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Indonesia Jobs: QA OFFICER Smart Tbk



*. Female, Maks. 27

*. Bachelor degree (S1) in Food Technology

*. Having experience min 1 year at the same position

*. Coming from FMCG industry would be an advantage

*. Good in English (written and oral)
*. Hard worker, ready to work under target

*. Able to work with minimum supervision

*. Job Location : Surabaya

Please send your current CV + photograph to jimmi-setiawan@smart-tbk.com

Pls visit : www.smart-tbk.com

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Lowongan Kerja Marba Hijau Lestari, PT


The latest job info and career ( info lowongan kerja dan karir terbaru):

Lowongan Kerja Arsitek


* Pria/Wanita
* Usia maksimal 30 tahun
* Pendidikan S1 Teknik Arsitektur
* Pengalaman 5 tahun dalam merancang dan membangun gedung/rumah mewah mampu membuat estimasi quantity dan biaya
* Mengusai microsoft office, menguasai Autocad, Corell dan 3D Max

Lamaran dilengkapi Foto, CV, Ijazah/Sertifikat dapat ditujukan kepada :

Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 19
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170
atau email : awinduajiatyahoo.com

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Lowongan Pertamina UP V Balikpapan


Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pekerja di lingkungan Daerah Operasi Unit Pengolahan (UP) I, II, III, IV, V & VI PT.PERTAMINA (PERSERO) membutuhkan 293 orang lulusan Diploma 3/Sederajat untuk dipekerjakan sebagai Operator dan Teknisi Kilang dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :

1. Jenis Kelamin laki-laki, status belum menikah bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, kecuali bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.

2. Pendidikan terakhir D3 Jurusan Teknik Kimia (TK), Analisi Kimia (AK), Teknik Listrik - Arus Kuat (TLA), Mesin,(TM), Instrumen/Instrumen Elektronika (TIE), Lingkungan (TL), Teknik Pengolahan Migas (TPM).

3. Bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina, minimal pengalaman kerja 3 tahun di Pertamina UP tujuan lamaran.

4. IPK minimal 2,75.

5. Usia maksimal 24 tahun per 01/01/2009 bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau maksimal 35 tahun per 01/01/2009 bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.

6. Tinggi badan minimal 160cm.

7. Tercatat sebagai pencari kerja di Kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) setempat.

8. Bebas narkoba.

9. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta warna, dan diutamakan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.

10. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO).

11. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi.

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengajukan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan dokumen :

1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup

2. Fotokopi ijazah D3 & SMA/sederajat yang telah dilegalisir.

3. Fotokopi transkip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang

4. Fotokopi akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir dari instansi berwenang

5. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian setempat

6. Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba di atas materai Rp. 6.000,-

7. Fotokopi KTP/SIM yang masih berlaku

8. Fotokopi Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning/Hijau) yang masih berlaku

9. 3 (tiga) lembar pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 (berwarna)

10. Alamat untuk surat panggilan (alamat terakhir dan kode pos)

Alamat lamaran :

· Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di 5 (lima) wilayah Unit Pengolahan, yaitu : UP II - Dumai, UP III - Plaju, UP IV - Cilacap, UP V - Balikpapan, dan UP VI - Balongan, dan sekitarnya atau di tempat lain yang akan ditentukan kemudian.

· Pelamar agar mengirimkan lamaran ke wilayah Unit Pengolahan terdekat dengan domisili/daerah asalnya.

· Lamaran harus dikirim melalui Pos dalam amplop tertutup (pelamar tidak boleh menyampaikan langsung atau melalui perantara).

Kirim lamaran anda ke alamat-alamat sebagai berikut :

1. Tim Rekruitas P.O.BOX 1122 - Pekanbaru

2. Tim Rekruitas P.O.BOX 1111 - Palembang 3000

3. Tim Rekruitas Pertamina UP IV Cilacap P.O.BOX 2009 - Cilacap 53200

4. Tim Rekruitas P.O.BOX NO. 634 - Balikpapan 76100

5. Kepala Dinas Sosial & Tenaga Kerja Kab. Indramayu P.O.BOX.234 - Indramayu - Jawa Barat

· Lamaran selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal 15 Februari 2009 (stempel pos).

· Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes / seleksi dan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun (tanpa biaya).

· Lamaran yang disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini tidak akan diproses, dan surat lamaran yang telah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan.

· Informasi lebih lanjut agar mengirimkan email ke SDM Contact Center dengan alamat : sdmcontactcenter@ pertamina. com

sumber http://www.pertamina.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4300&Itemid=858

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Lowongan Januari 2009: Grafik Desainer

Buat Kamu Semua yang Tergolong dibawah ini:
Sedang Mencari Tempat Magang / Kerja Praktek Desain
Komunikasi Visual
Belum Lulus tapi Siap Kerja atau
Baru Lulus / Fresh Graduate
Super Kreatif dan Penuh Ide

Jago Desain
Mahir Ilustrasi

Mau Kerja Keras
Mau Belajar
Doyan Hal Baru dan Tantangan Baru
Bisa Kerja dalam Team
Bisa Kerja dengan Deadline

dan Menguasai / Biasa Desain:
Kemasan Produk
Company Profile

Mampu mengoperasikan:
Macromedia Flash

Buruan kirim lamaran-mu berikut portofolio contoh -
contoh desain-mu (Maksimal 1 minggu setelah lowongan
ini kamu baca) ke:
Jl. Cipinang Elok 2 Blok O No. 2
Jakarta Timur 13420

Lamaran Melalui Email tidak akan diproses!!!

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Lowongan Nasional Shipping Kaltim

A Well-established national shipping company which business engaged in owning, operating & managing of ships, logistic, stevedoring & warehousing is looking urgently for the position of:



Familiar with computer applications (spreadsheet & word-processing) & email browser.
Good interpersonal skill, strong integrity, leadership, communication, coordination, customer service orientation & has positive attitude
Good command both spoken & written English
Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
Male, age between 35 - 50 years old (1,2,3,4)
Male, age 25-35 years old (5,6 10 & 11)
Male/Female, age < 35 years old (7)
Male/female, age < 27 years old (8)
Male/Female, age < 30 years old (12-16)
Female, age < 30 years old (9)
Minimum S1 preferably from reputable university , majoring in transportation management (1,2,3)
Minimum S1 degree majoring in Finance/Accounting from reputable university (7, 12-16)
Minimum D3 from reputable shipping academy major in marine administration/transportation management (5 & 6)
Minimum D3 from related academy (9 & 11)
Possess ANT I certificate/Shipping Academy would be an advantage (1,2,3,4)
Posses at least 3 years as Chief Officer/Ship Master (1,2,3)
Posses at least 3 years in similar/related position and industry (5, 6 & 11)
Familiar with shipping and cargo documents (1,2,3)
Liaise with port authority or any other related government institution (1,2,3)
Posses at least 3 years in accounting & finance with similar position (5, 13)
Good knowledge in shipping and trading terminology (5 & 6)
Good experience in budgeting process and accounting software implementation & familiar with Indonesian taxation (7)
Good knowledge of PHP and MySql programming with minimum 2 years experience in related field (8)
Good knowledge of Visual Foxpro and MySql Server 2005 would be an advantage (8)
Good knowledge in custom clearance, basic forwarding and “Port Administration & Sea Freight Rules” with minimum 3 years of experience (10)
Attentive to details
Good in documentation, filing and fast accuracy typing (9)
Please put your job code on your email subject and email to shipping.indonesia@yahoo.com or to PO BOX 4741 JKTM 12700 by put your job code on the top left corner.
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Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT. Mega Capital Indonesia Kalteng


PT. MEGA CAPITAL INDONESIA (MCI) Kalimantan Tengah membuka kesempatan berkarier di Perusahaan Multi Nasional untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut:

* Marketing Manager
* Investment Advisor

Manfaat yang akan diperoleh:

1. Basic Monthly Income
2. Insentive dan Bonus
3. Jenjang Karier
4. Perjalanan Wisata ke Luar Negeri

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi:

1. Pria/Wanita
2. Minimal Diploma (D3)
3. Berpenampilan menarik
4. Suka Tantangan
5. Berkomunikasi dengan baik
6. Pengalaman sebagai Leader / Marketing

Jika Anda berminat dengan pekerjaan ini, silakan kirimkan lamaran secepatnya ke alamat:

Jl. Cilik Riwut Km. 1,5 (Samping Columbia Palangka Raya)

Kesempatan Terbatas, Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan dipanggil

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Lowongan Sales promotion girl (SPG) Januari 2009


Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distributor komputer,
Information Technology, produk HP, Cisco , Asus, SUN.

Membutuhkan kandidat potensial dan energik untuk
bergabung bersama team kami sebagai :

Sales promotion girl. (SPG)

Syarat :
Min SMU, Usia 18-25 Thn.

Berpenampilan menarik,komunikatif dan energik.
Berpengalaman/ non pengalaman dalam berbagai pameran IT /komputer .

Kirimkan surat lamaran anda berikut pas foto terbaru,cantumkan kode posisi
pada luar amplop ke alamat :

Ruko Mangga Dua Square Blok E34 - E37
Jl. Gunung Sahari 1.
Jakarta Utara.

Lowongan ditutup 9 January 2008

atau via email
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Lowongan di Oil and Gas Industry

PT.Istech Resources Asia is an Engineering & Management Consultancy company specialized in Oil & Gas Industry, we are looking for some qualified candidates for the following positions:

Telecommunication Specialist

• Must have strong project management skills (design, implementation, personnel planning and management, economic analysis/evaluation skills), and ability to proactively monitor and correct problems within a very complex development environment.
• Strong organization, team building, leadership, project planning, and communication skills. Very current knowledge of telecommunications & computing systems and depth of understanding and analysis skills necessary to make accurate and effective design decisions in very complex situations:
- WANs (Carrier services, Satellite, Microwave)
- General Radio Systems
- Voice Systems (PBX, Public Address etc)
- Hazardous area requirements (EXd, EXi, EXe)
- LANs (Wiring, Routers, Switches, Servers etc)
• Minimum 6+ years of experience including in a project engineering role in an upstream project or drilling environment.

System Completion Lead
• Bachelors of Science in Engineering
• Working knowledge with respect to instrumentation and control equipment systems completions and commissioning
• 10+ years experience in Oil & Gas processing
• Exposure to drilling and down hole operations
• Direct "hands on" experience in plant/system start-up
• Working understanding of Project completions and commissioning practices
• Demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to interact effectively with project personnel
• Proficient in Microsoft Office suite of software programs.

Civil/Structural Engineer
• Broad and extensive knowledge of:
- Design standards, specifications, codes, and appropriate safety criteria
- Offshore facilities and structures design, construction, and operations
- Engineering administration
• Bachelor of Science Degree in an engineering
• 15+ years of closely related professional experience, 3+ years of which should be at the project engineering / engineering management level
• Proficient in Microsoft Office suite of software programs, Lotus Notes, etc.
• Read, write, and speak fluent English, especially as it applies to technical and business communications

Interest and qualified candidate, please send your CV to istech.job@gmail.com , all positions above are contract basis. Only for questions you may send your email to budi@istech.co.id
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Indonesia Jobs: QA OFFICER Smart Tbk


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and The Government Agency on Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)

UNDP & BPPT for Microturbine Cogeneration Technology Application Project (MCTAP) is looking for a well qualified and highly motivated national professionals to fill the following posts:

1. National Project Manager
2. Lead Consultant

3. Energy Policy Consultant
4. Capacity Building Consultant
5. Business Planning and Development of Microturbine Technology

6. Energy Technology Consultant
7. Cogeneration Technology of Microturbine Consultant
8. Finance and Economic Consultant
9. Administrative Assistant
10. Finance Assistant

For further detailed information on application and complete Term of Reference, please visit http://www.undp.or.id/jobs

Closing date: 8 January 2009

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Lowongan Kerja PT Fujitsu Indonesia - IT, Accounting, Engineering

PT Fujitsu Indonesia is a Multi National Company providing various world class IT solutions and services. Currently we are looking for a highly motivated and qualified individual to fill the following position:

Field Engineer

* Male or Female, age between 26 to 30 years
* Hold S1 graduated from relevant background
* Strong knowledge in Windows Environment preferred Windows Certification (MCSE/MCTS) also Linux is preferred.
* Have experienced in design and implementation of networking (LAN/WAN) and Security solutions
* Having work experience at least 2-3 years in Network security
* Certificate holder of CCNA, CCDA preferred CCNP
* Organized person, strong analytical skill and willing to work hard
* Proficiency in English both oral and written


* Male or Female, age between 24 to 30 years
* Minimum D3 or S-1 graduated from IT or Computer Science background
* At least 1 year of working experience in the related field
* Having technical knowledge:
- Oracle PLSQL
- Java programmer, J2EE, J2SE
* Willing to work under contractual basis
* Proficiency in English both oral and written

Tax Staff

* Male or Female, age between 26 to 30 years
* Hold S1 graduated from relevant background
* Having Brevet A & B license
* Having work experience at least 2 years
* Able to make monthly/annual tax report
* Understand in audit and tax court is advantageous
* Strong analytical skill and willing to work hard
* Proficiency in English both oral and written

Please send your application letter along with recent photograph, not later than 19 January 2009 to: recruitment@id.fujitsu.com
Those who do not meet the above requirement are encouraged not to apply.

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Lowongan Kerja PT Schering-Plough Indonesia Tbk - HRD, R & D

PT Schering-Plough Indonesia Tbk., We are a multinational pharmaceutical company, with head quarter in USA. Schering-Plough is committed to earning the trust of doctors, patients and customers every day. Our colleagues worldwide believe that trust is not easily granted, and that is the reason we focus each day on becoming a champion for our stakeholders. We are currently seeking suitable candidates for the following positions:


Based in Pandaan – East Java, Ideally, you will be able to work independently on testing microbiology and constructive relationships across the team.

You will perform Microbiology testing with product/ materials related, environment monitoring, bioassay testing, and validation of microbiology testing.


* A Degree of Science related (Pharmacy/ Chemistry/ Microbiology/ Food Technology)
* A Sound of knowledge in Pharmacopeias of Indonesian/ USP, understand of cGMP and GDP
* Able to work independently and in a team
* Good communication in writing and verbal (English), and good computer literacy
* Min one year of experience is preferred

Senior HR Officer

* The incumbent will be concentrating on the compensation and benefit aspect of Human Resources function, including but not limited to :
* Payroll administration to annual tax reports
* Administer and maintain all activities related with the corporate benefit program(insurance, jamsostek, pension plans etc).


* Degree in any discipline, preferably Management or Secretarial
* Minimum 2 years of experience in HR Administration
* Good command in English
* Meticulous and detail
* Computer literate
* Able to work in teams and independently

If you have the required experience and would like the opportunity to join an expanding multi-national pharmaceutical company, please email your application on:

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Lowongan Kerja PT. Eluon - System Engineer

PT. Eluon, Indonesian branch of Eluon Corp., is now looking for a qualified person to join our company. Eluon is an Telco Solution Company that has been deployed solutions in many countries. Our solutions are ranging from Core Network Solution (HLR, IRG, etc), VAS Solution (VMS, RBT, etc), Service Solutions, and Convergence Solutions.

Job Description:

* Doing Level 2/3 Support of existing solution in Indonesia
* Conduct preparation for new customer installations,
* Setting Up server for new solution, including OS configuration, DB configuration, and network configuration
* Planning and conducting on-site customer training
* Assist the customer through the go-live phase with the new system.
* Perform other task s that may include new product testing, quality assurance, hardware testing, and documentation


* Bachelor degree or higher
* Have min. 2 years experience, Telco experience is an advantage
* Strong knowledge skill in Unix Environments (SUNOS and Linux)
* Good Knowledge in shell scripting
* Good understanding and hands-on on basic database administration, especially Oracle.
* Having knowledge in network concepts(LAN/WAN)
* Creative, highly motivated, hard worker, problem solving minded, good attitude and should be able to work under pressure.
* Good communication skills in English, written and verbally is a must.
* Understand basic Telco concepts, like network elements correlation with each other, call setup,etc
* Understand broad SS7 concepts
* Have an good logic for programming
* Familiar with SAN and RAID concepts (Veritas, etc) will be an advantage
* Good Knowledge in basic SS7 messaging will be an advantage

If you feel qualified and interested in filling the vacant position, please send your application to us.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified

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Lowongan Kerja IBM Malaysia Sdn Bhd - Transformation Manager

IBM Malaysia Sdn Bhd - IBM has always delivered technology innovation to our customers. Now, we partner with them in their business and help them become special company, and to stay special. To make our customers special, we need people who are above the ordinary. IBM Indonesia recruits best-in-class professionals to deliver best breed of IT Solutions and Services to customers. Do you have the confidence? Do you have the enthusiasm? Do you have the insights to partner with customers and deliver solutions and have significant positive impact on their business? Join IBM! Learn from and collaborate with the best – much like yourself! We are now looking qualified people to fill the following vacant position :

We’re looking for individuals who know the power a strong IT strategy can bring to a company, and realize that without a compelling argument, the clients won’t pull out their checkbooks. Systems aren’t purchased because they’re faster, they’re bought because they make or save money.

Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Responsibilities :

* Act as an expertise in managing and operation of IT hardware, software, communications, and/or application solutions.
* Ensure the resources required to plan for develop, deliver and support properly engineered IT services and products to meet the needs of a business.
* In charge the preparation for new or changed services, management of the change process and maintenance of regulatory, legal & professional standards, management of performance of systems & services.
* Lead on contribution to business performance, and management of bought-in services which including of public network, virtual private network and outsourced services.
* Be part of an IT Service Management team that dedicated to help clients achieve a higher level of IT capability by directing, facilitating, coordinating, tracking and reporting on the successful execution and completion of service improvement projects.
* Develop project plans for the transformation, educate the Transformation Team on the appropriate Transformation Methodology, deploy consistent project management techniques and leads process & tool improvement projects & activities.

Requirements :

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree or Professional Degree in Engineering (Computer / Telecommunication), Computer Science / Information Technology, Science & Technology or equivalent.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Preferable for those candidates who have an extensive exposure in transformation management environment.
* Well-versed in “Apply Knowledge” of Service Level Management, ITSM Reference Architecture and Use Systems Management Tools.
* Required skill(s): ITSM / ITIL certification.
* Required language(s) : Fluent in English both written and spoken.
* Applicants should be Malaysian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Interested candidates, kindly please submit your online application via our IBM career website portal at:
We regret only short listed candidates will be notified.
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Lowongan Kerja PT Netwave Teknologi

PT Netwave Teknologi - Founded by experienced team from the telecomunication industries more than 10 years, PT Netwave Teknologi is your partner for business solution, especially for telecomunication industries to give you reliable products, services and solution. PT Netwave Teknologi is urgently looking for candidates for Telecommunication Project who possess following requirements:

Quality Assurance & Quality Control Staff (QA/C)
Role Responsibilities:

* Create testing and evaluation scenario for each system which is will be delivering to customer.
* Evaluate and test for quality control of product’s system (reliability, stability, availability, user-friendly, performance, etc).
* Evaluate and test business rules and business process or business logic on the product’s system (which is should be meet or match with customer requirement).
* Deliver Testing Result Report for each test.
* Monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used to ensure quality.
* Work with all other team and participate in project based team when needed.
* Supervise and motivate the team members, verify status and assigned activities and follow up actions.


* Bachelor degree, preferably in Telecommunication, Information technology or Computer Science. Fresh graduated are welcome.
* Familiar with any/all of UNIX, Java, Oracle environment.
* Highly developed communication and written skills in English.
* Capable to work under pressure and tight timeline.
* Excellent analytical and decision-making skills.
* Capable to work in multi tasking job.
* Initiative.
* Creative.
* Commitment.
* Struggle.

Project Manager (PM)
Role Responsibilities:

* To take on the end-to-end management of both project and product development.
* Creating project plan, project schedule, execute and control the project planning keep the project time frame consistent.
* Work with key internal and external stakeholders to define and scope projects; determine resources required, highlight risks, set clear objectives and delivering high quality project goal within limited time, budget and resources, including documents gathering from internal and external related with project.
* Work interfaces with all team project related include business development and marketing team, development team, vendors, solution development, quality assurance and client support.
* Supervise and motivate the team members, verify status and assigned activities, participate to internal project steering comities and follow up actions.


* Bachelor degree, preferably in Information technology or Computer Science.
* Minimum of 2 years software project management experience. Preferably in Telco industry.
* Having knowledge in Software Engineering, RDBMS and Infrastructure.
* Having experience of handling multiple projects under tight timescales.
* Highly developed communication skills (Presentation, Interpersonal and Influencing Skill).
* Capable to work under pressure and long working hours.
* Excellent analytical and decision-making skills.
* Adaptive of very rapid changes situation.
* Initiative, Creative, High Commitment and Struggle.

IT - System Development Staff (IT-DEV)

* Strong analytical skills
* Excellent knowledge in Java Fundamental
* Good knowledge in J2EE and its related technology (Application Server, EJB, etc)
* Good knowledge in Database (Oracle, PL/SQL)
* Good knowledge in System Design using UML
* Experienced in Web Based System Development
* Familiar with versioning system (CVS)
* Knowledge in other programming language (C/C++, VB, Delphi) will be a plus

Personnel & GA Staff

* Male, graduate min S1 degree in related field.
* Proficient in HR Acquisition, HR Maintenance, HR Development, HR Relation, and General Affair.
* MS Office literate (i.e Excel, Word, Visio).
* Highly integrity, strong interpersonal, able to work under pressure and team work.
* Minimum 4 years experience.

Accounting Staff

* Male, graduate min S1 degree major in accounting.
* Proficient in financial report, cost accounting, budgeting, able to handle account payable & account receivable and tax matters (PPh & PPN).
* MS Office literate (i.e Excel, Word, Visio).
* Highly integrity, strong interpersonal, able to work under pressure and team work.
* Minimum 4 years experience.

Job Location: DEPOK

To apply for these positions, you are welcome to submit resume with contact details and attached a photo by email to:
Please indicate the position code you are applying for in the subject of your email. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

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lowongan kerja Chubb Singapore Pte Ltd

Chubb Singapore Pte Ltd has been established since 1972. Over the years, we have consistently delivered exceptional and innovative security and fire safety solutions to a large number of reputable clients across the industrial, financial, healthcare, corporate and retail sectors. Our strengths are underpinned by a global infrastructure, a highly skilled and experienced workforce, and access to a diverse portfolio of unmatched products and services that provide tailor-packaged security solutions.

Estimator - Marine - FS
Job Description

Responsible in all aspects of the estimation, B.O.M takeoff and cost proposal as well as liaising with suppliers & consultants. The Estimator shall possess solid experience in safety systems for vessels and must be familiar with IMO rules and regulations and Marine Class requirements.

Job Duties

* Responsible for the design, estimation, B.O.M takeoff for Fire Protection System.
* Contribute to RFQ and prepare tender bids.
* Liaise with suppliers, consultants and customers to handle enquiries and ensure timely delivery.

Job Requirements

* Experience in Marine industry is a must
* 2-3 years relevant working experience in Mechanical Engineering Degree.
* Familiar with Fire Protection system design.
* Knowledge of hydraulic calculation of water spray, sprinkler, FM200, Novec, Argonite, Fire Alarm and Vesda Systems and Equipment would be an advantage.
* Proficient in MS Office

Suitable candidate, please send your MSWORD RESUME with current and expected salary to : careers@chubb.com.sg
This position is based in SINGAPORE
Location : 207 Kallang Bahru, Singapore 339343

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Lowongan Kerja Gemalto Pte Ltd - Accounting, Sales, Engineering, Telecommunication

Gemalto Pte Ltd - Gemalto provides end-to-end digital security solutions that are designed to make personal digital interactions more convenient, secure and enjoyable. They range from the development of software applications through the design and production of secure personal devices such as smart cards, SIMs, e-passports and tokens to the management of deployment services for our customers. We are currently seeking qualified, highly motivated and dynamic individuals to join us as:

Pre-Sales Engineer – Telecom

* Provide first level technical support, expertise, training and presentations on Gemalto’s products and services to assigned customers
* Responsible for requirements clarifications with customers and transforming requirements to project groups
* Provide feedback on products & services opportunities to the management, sales, application teams, marketing and solution managers
* Involve in the whole project life cycle from pre-sales to product delivery
* Involve in testing and implementation of new products and projects.
* Ability to travel and support overseas account when necessary
* Ability to work under pressure with tight timelines and manage task prioritizations


* Degree in Electrical/ Electronics/ Telecommunication Engineering or Computer Science
* 2-3 years working experience in a technical customer centric background, fresh graduates with good academic results may also apply
* Analytical mindset and approach to problem solving and troubleshooting issues
* Fluent in both spoken and written English
* Experience in communicating with people from various countries and cultural backgrounds an advantage. (Asia and Europe)
* Good presentation skills and experience in project management techniques is a plus
* Independent personnel who is self-motivated and good self-learner
* Knowledge and keen interest in telecom industry
* Well versed in various telecom technologies like GSM/3G/UMTS/STK an advantage

Finance Manager
Key Responsibilities:

* Serving as the finance lead for the Indonesia operations
* Overseeing all accounting and reporting processes and ensuring an efficient setup
* Ensuring good corporate governance and enforces compliance with all local statutory and accounting and reporting standards
* Liaising with auditors for all internal and external audits
* Advising and supporting the Business Units Managers and entity controller for all ad hoc tasks

Key Requirements:

* Degree in Accountancy
* At least 5 years experience in accounting and finance with a foreign company
* Good knowledge in local tax is an advantage
* Knowledge in Microsoft office is required
* Experience in ERP system, experience in using MFG PRO is preferred.
* Fluent in English
* Independent self-starter and is able to work under pressure
* Good time management and task follow-up
* Possesses good communication and reporting skills

This position will be based in our office in Jakarta, Indonesia. If you believe you can thrive in this dynamic team-based and global business, we would like to hear from you. Please email your resume with details of current remuneration to se-asia.recruit@gemalto.com. Please indicate the position applied as the subject header in your email.

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Lowongan Kerja PT. Wirya Krenindo Perkasa

PT. Wirya Krenindo Perkasa is a subsidiary of Ekatama Group, specialising in hoists & cranes. We have been appointed as the preferred Distributor of Morris Material Handling, a world class supplier for overhead cranes and maintenance services, based in U.K. We are currently looking for some candidates for the following positions :

Sales Engineer For Units (Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya)
Requirements :

* Male or Female, max. 35 years old
* S1 or Diploma Degree (D3), in Technical
* Min. 2 years experience in industrial equipments sales
* Work experience in sales part for Hoist and Crane will be an advantage
* English Proficiency, both oral and written
* Strong selling skill, target oriented, good interpersonal, innovative, good teamwork, mature, independent and self driven, enthusiastic, honest, hard worker and highly motivate person

Light Structure Mechanical Engineer
Requirements :

* Male or Female, max. 35 years old
* Minimum Master/Diploma Degree in Structure Dept of Mechanical Engineering
* Work experiences minimum 2 years for Hoist and Crane
* Posses a knowledge of Software toools (Autocad, Etabs)
* Team player with strong communication and interpersonal skills

Work Description :

* Evaluate and Recommended optimum technical solution for both company and customers
* To ensure the inspection criteria meets customer expectations
* Liasing with customers and projects division for production accuracy according to customer requirement

Please send your application with CV, recent photograph 4×6, copy of transcript, photocopy of KTP and requested salary to :
Gedung Ekatama, Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya No. 3
Kelapa Gading – Jakarta 14240
Or email :hrd@wkp.co.id

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LOWONGAN KERJA PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI Accounting Manager / Staff, Quantity Surveyor, Surveyor

Lowongan Kerja Quantity Surveyor, Surveyor, Accounting Manager / Staff PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Januari 2009

Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Pekerjaan Loker PT Jaya Konstruksi Accounting Manager / Staff Quantity Surveyor Januari 2009Lowongan Kerja Jaya Konstruksi is one of the construction companies in Indonesia that has been successfully operated for more than four decades. We have completed over than thousands major and minor projects. This is becoming our huge proud. Our successful is the results of the hard work and patient from our dedicated and discipline staffs to attain valuable and trustworthy product, invited qualfied and experienced candidates to fulfill the position of :

Lowongan Kerja Quantity Surveyor (QS) - 12

* Min.Diploma Degree in Civil Engineering Max. 25 years
* Good degree from reputable university (Min. GPA 2.75)
* Fresh Graduate are welcome
* Willing to be located all over Indonesia
* Preferable has worked in well known construction company
* Fluently english (both oral and written)

Lowongan Kerja Surveyor (SVY) - 4

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Geodetic
* Max. 27 years
* Good degree from reputable university (Min. GPA 2.75)
* Fresh Graduate are welcome
* Willing to be located all over Indonesia
* Preferable has worked in well known construction company
* Fluently english (both oral and written)

Lowongan Kerja Accounting Manager

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Accounting or Finance Management
* Max. 35 years
* Good degree from reputable university (min. GPA 2.75)
* Excellent handling accounting and tax, work experiences min. 3 years as Accounting Manager
* Wiiling to be located all over indonesia
* Preferable has worked in well known construction company
* Fluently english (both oral & written)

Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff - 5

* Min. bachelor degree in Accounting or Finance Management
* Max. 27 years old.
* Having a degree from reputable university ( with min. GPA 2,75 ).
* Fresh graduate are welcome.
* Willing to be located all over Indonesia
* Preferable has worked in a well known construction company.
* Fluently in English ( Both oral & written )

Please submit your comprehensive resume (with relevant university certification and other supporting documents), work experience, reference letter with a recent photograph and write the position code at the top left side of the envelope for a proper handling, not later than 31 January 2009 to :

By post: Head of HRD Department
PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama, Tbk
JL. Bintaro Raya - SOUTH JAKARTA, 12330

Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be process.

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LOWONGAN KERJA PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI Secretary, IT Staff, Mechanical Electrical Staff


Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Pekerjaan Loker PT Jaya Konstruksi Secretary Information Technology Mechanical Electrical Staff Januari 2009Lowongan Kerja Jaya Konstruksi is one of the construction companies in Indonesia that has been successfully operated for more than four decades. We have completed over than thousands major and minor projects. This is becoming our huge proud. Our successful is the results of the hard work and patient from our dedicated and discipline staffs to attain valuable and trustworthy product, invited qualfied and experienced candidates to fulfill the position of :

Lowongan Kerja IT Staff


* Hold degree in Information Technology from a well known/good reputable university
* GPA min. 2,75
* Maximum of age are 30
* Experienced min. 2 years
* Have a good knowledge of SQL server, Windows 2000 server, Windows 2003 server, Microsoft Access, Crystal Report, and networking.
* Fluent in English both oral and written

Lowongan Kerja Secretary - 2

* Min.Diploma Degree in Secretary
* Max. 24 years
* Good degree from reputable university (Min. GPA 2.75)
* Fresh Graduate are welcome
* Fluently english (both oral and written)

Lowongan Kerja Mechanical Electrical Staff (MES) - 3

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineer
* Max. 27 Years
* Good degree from reputable university (min. GPA 2,75) fresh graduate are welcome
* Willing to be located all over Indonesia
* Preferable has worked in well known construction company
* Fluently English (both oral & written)

Please submit your comprehensive resume (with relevant university certification and other supporting documents), work experience, reference letter with a recent photograph and write the position code at the top left side of the envelope for a proper handling, not later than 31 January 2009 to :

By post: Head of HRD Department
PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama, Tbk
JL. Bintaro Raya - SOUTH JAKARTA, 12330

Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be process.

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LOWONGAN KERJA PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI Project / Site Manager, Site Engineer

Lowongan Kerja Project Manager, Site Engineer / Manager PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Januari 2009

Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Pekerjaan Loker PT Jaya Konstruksi Project Manager Site Manager Site Engineer Januari 2009Lowongan Kerja Jaya Konstruksi is one of the construction companies in Indonesia that has been successfully operated for more than four decades. We have completed over than thousands major and minor projects. This is becoming our huge proud. Our successful is the results of the hard work and patient from our dedicated and discipline staffs to attain valuable and trustworthy product, invited qualfied and experienced candidates to fulfill the position of :

Lowongan Kerja Project Manager (PM) - 5

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Preferable in Civil Engineer)
* Min experience 5 years as Project Manager & total work experiences min. 10 years
* Excellent handling Construction Management & Finance Management
* Max. 35 years
* Good degree from reputable university (Min. GPA 2.75)
* Willing to be located all over Indonesia
* Preferable has worked in well known construction company
Fluently english (both oral and written)

Lowongan Kerja Site Manager (SM) - 10

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Engineering(Preferable in Civil Engineer)
* Min experiences 5 years as Site Manager, excellent handling Construction Management
Max. 35 years
* Good degree from reputable university(Min. GPA 2.75)
* Willing to be located all over Indonesia
* Preferable has worked in well known construction company
* Fluently english (both oral and written)

Lowongan Kerja Site Engineer (SE) - 10

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
* Max. 27 years
* Have 2-3 years experience as Site Engineer.
* Good degree from reputable university (Min. GPA 2.75)
* Fresh Graduate are welcome
* Willing to be located all over Indonesia
* Preferable has worked in well known construction company
* Fluently english (both oral and written)

Please submit your comprehensive resume (with relevant university certification and other supporting documents), work experience, reference letter with a recent photograph and write the position code at the top left side of the envelope for a proper handling, not later than 31 January 2009 to :

By post: Head of HRD Department
PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama, Tbk
JL. Bintaro Raya - SOUTH JAKARTA, 12330

Only qualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be process.

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Lowongan Kerja di Verity

World Class Opportunity for a World Class Employer

VERITY is a professional Search and Selection company and Recruitment Consultancy formed in Australia and Indonesia in 2007. Our business has been founded by five clear Values; Professional Ethics, Customer Service, Achievement, Teamwork and Life Balance. We integrate these into all we do within our dealings with clients and candidates. Our success has been built upon the recognition that every client and candidate has unique challenges, circumstances and specific needs. Our mission is to identify and address these needs, by working with our clients and candidates to provide customized and innovative approaches and solutions. All of our consultants are skilled and experienced recruitment professionals from the Human Resources and Management professions. Verity has offices in Jakarta and Perth and is represented through alliances in Brisbane.


Our client is a world class company who offered a negotiable salary and attractive packages are available for top candidates. Our client is looking for qualified, professional and highly motivated candidates to join us for the following positions:

Senior Mining Engineer

• Candidate must possess at least Bachelor s degree in Mining or other related field.
• At least 5 year(s) of working experience in major Coal Mining industry.
• Experienced in project management and mine operation management.
• Willing to work at site, Kalimantan.

Senior Project Planner

• Candidate must possess at least Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering (Civil) or equivalent.
• Excellent skills of Primavera P5 or P6, Excel spreadsheet based on resource schedules.
• At least 15 year(s) of working experience in civil construction (earthworks / structures), at least the last 5 years in Senior Planner level with a total of 10 years experience as Planner in Coal Mining industry.
• Willing to work at remote site, Kalimantan.

Engineering Superintendent

• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Engineering (Mining) or equivalent.
• Required skill(s): mechanical, operations.
• At least 10 year(s) of working experience in engineering superintendent with minimum of 5 years at Managerial level as an Engineering Superintendent in Coal Mining Industry.
• Have an Operational Madya Certificate that issued by DTMB Jakarta.
• Familiar with Mincom, Drilling & Blasting activities, cost control system explosive usage.
• Willing to work at remote site, Kalimantan.

Maintenance Superintendent

• Candidate must possess at least a Relevant Mechanical Trade Qualifications Associated with Mobile Equipment.
• Required skill(s): mechanical, maintenance.
• At least 5 year(s) of working experience in a similar Senior Maintenance Supervisory or Management role in Mining industry.
• Familiarity with Maintenance Software packages.
• Advanced interpersonal skills with the ability to lead and motivate a diverse team.
• A successful track record in the development of apprentices and subordinates.
• Dealership experience would be highly considered.
• Willing to work at remote site, Kalimantan.

Project Administrator

• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Construction, Engineering (Mining), Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics or equivalent.
• Required skill(s): MS Office Application, commercial management.
• At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field, preferably experience in construction industry/ quantity surveying /commercial management/ project accounting, in Coal Mining industry.
• Willing to work at remote site, Kalimantan.

Geotechnical Engineer

• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor s Degree in Geological Engineering / Mining Engineering / Geophysics or related discipline.
• Having experience minimum 3 years hands on experience in geotechnical monitoring slope stability issues and analysis, in Coal Mining industry.
• Competence in the use of geotechnical software such as Geoslope, Rocscience and other related software.
• Willing to work at remote site, Kalimantan.

Project Engineer

• Candidate must possess at least Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering Electrical, Instrument, Chemical, Mechanical or Computer Science with outstanding GPA (grade).
• At least 2 year(s) of working experience as Distributed Control System (DCS) Engineer in instrumentation industry.
• Experienced in troubleshooter, project management, and stakeholder satisfaction orientation.
• Jakarta base and willing to travel if needed.

Services Engineer

• Candidate must possess at least Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering Electrical, Instrument, or Computer Science with outstanding GPA (grade).
• At least 2 year(s) of working experience as DCS, PLC or ESD services in instrumentation industry.
• Experienced in all aspects of engineering activities from conceptual design to documentation generation, with additional experience in DCS that s dealing with Preventive Maintenance.
• Jakarta base and willing to travel if needed.

Sales Account Manager

• Candidate must possess at least Diploma or Bachelor s Degree in Engineering Electrical, preferably in control and instrumentation.
• At least 3 year(s) of working experience at the same position in instrumentation industry.
• Extensive skills of project management, sales and marketing management and also build up networking relationship.
• Strong knowledge and experiences in Distributed Control System (DCS) and PLC.
• Willing to work at Jakarta.

Communications Manager

• Candidate must possess at least Bachelor s Degree in Communications or other related degree.
• At least 10 year(s) of working experience at the same position in exploration / mining industry.
• Extensive skills of project management, communications strategies development with excellent scheduling skill in discipline approaching management.
• Demonstrated experience in producing high quality publications and public relations materials.
• Software skills of word processing, Internet, web content management and other presentation software.
• Willing to work at Jakarta.

Salary and benefits:
Salary and benefits are negotiable.

Please email your applications (in English and MS Word format) to :


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Lowongan Kerja di Malang @ Asuransi Jiwa Bakrie Life

Sebuah Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Bakrie Life membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi


Syarat dan ketentuan umum :
1. Pendidikan min SMU / Masih Kuliah

2. Sanggup bekerja keras
3. Mampu berkomunikasi secara persuasif
4. Mampu Bekerja dibawah tekanan
5. Mempunyai relasi yang luas
Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, dapat mengirimkan email lamaran
disertai foto terakhir paling lambat tanggal 15 Januari 2009 ke

email andi_wilis@yahoo.com
Jl. Sukarno Hatta B3 Kav C. Malang 65141
Telp : (0341) 402919
 Up Bpk Andi Wilis

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Lowongan Kerja di Kalimantan dan Jakarta 2009

Expand your career in National Coal Company (PKP2B, 3rd GENERATION) which also provides integrated service in mining, shipping, trading, and financial across a number of operational locations in Kalimantan & Sumatra area.


Experience Required:

1. Bachelor degree in Business or Supply Chain Management,
2. Minimum 7 years of proven track record within a similar role in procurement, purchasing and logistics with a minimum 4 years in a senior position,
3. Experience in developing & implementing procurement system & a competitive tendering for all major contracts,
4. Experience in managing day to day relationships with major suppliers to enhance business relationship,
5. Well developed computer skills to be able to implement and maintain effective systems and processes.

PURCHASING SUPERVISOR - Central Kalimantan -

Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Business or Supply Chain Management or related major,
2. Minimum 5 years experience in purchasing area in mining industry,
3. Demonstrated experience in purchasing and skills of ensuring that the equipment and materials is in line with company & procedures, provide operational and functional support on site,
4. Experience in managing day to day relationships with major suppliers to enhance business relationship and effectively communicate with other departments.

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER - Central Kalimantan -

Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Geodesy,
2. Minimum 4 years of proven track record within a similar role for mining in geotechnical monitoring, analysis preferable in several open cuts mining environment,
3. Experience with on site geotechnical instrumentation installation and geotechnical design, such as earthen dams, drilling foundation, drainage filter, earthworks performance monitoring, etc.,
4. Well developed computer literacy skills especially with regard to Geotechnical Software and computer literate.

MODELING GEOLOGIST - Central Kalimantan -

Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree majoring in Geology,
2. Intimate familiarity with software database together with 4 years upper experience and hands on knowledge of exploration & mining software programs such as Mine Scape, Surpac, or similar software (essential),
3. Mine site experience in field or Desktop Study as Modeling Geologist will be highly rewarded,
4. A strong technical background in mine and exploration geology. Familiarity with reserve estimation techniques, pit optimization programs and techniques would be an asset.

SENIOR MINING ENGINEER - Central Kalimantan -

Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Mining Engineer,
2. Have a minimum of 5 years mine planning experience in open pit coal mines, including site infrastructures and reclamation plans,
3. Experience with development of short, mid and long term mine plans for the budgeting process, including estimates of fleet requirements, consumables, staffing level,
4. Understanding of a multiple-facet operation preferred (i.e. understanding of crushing, sampling, drilling, processing, etc), PC proficiency required, AutoCAD highly desired (AutoCAD or similar program required).


Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in Geology,
2. Minimum of 7 years in geological sectors in project management, design and implementation of coal exploration and evaluation projects to pre-feasibility level,
3. Minimum of 5 years in initiating new projects, planning of proposed new projects and the resources required,
4. Experience in relevant software including GIS, MapInfo, AutoCAD and 3D modeling,
5. Experience in handling good relationship with government and society.

SAFETY OFFICER (2 persons) - Central Kalimantan -

Experience Required:
1. S1 degree in engineering related discipline,
2. More than 4 years professional safety experience in mining projects,
3. Understanding of occupational health and safety law & regulations and experience in assessment, health training, safety,
4. High commitment in working environment and safety & business ethic,
5. ISO Standard Quality certification, First Aid certification are a must.


Experience Required:
1. Master or Bachelor degree in Engineering or related technical discipline,
2. Minimum of 7 years marketing & trading experience and 4 years as Trader experience in trading and mining industries is a must,
3. Have direct and indirect buyers networking for iron ore and/or coal consumer in export and local market,
4. Ability to operate in multiple business cultures as well as fluency in English a must,
5. Have strong leadership & human relationship skills, honest, highly motivated and integrity, teamwork and independently,
6. Proficient PC skills including business software such as Microsoft word, excel etc.,
7. Willing to travel to site.


Experience Required:
1. Bachelor degree in social related major from Reputable University,
2. Experience min. 7 years in General Affairs background in mining industry,
3. Familiar with procurement, Office Management and Administration tasks,
4. Have strong leadership skills, business and result oriented, hard working, highly motivated and integrity,
5. Willing to travel to site.

Please send your updated resume, copy of supporting document and expectation salary to:

HR Manager
hrd.atb@gmail.com or PO BOX 1229 JKP 10012

Only short listed candidates will be notified.

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ASTRIDO GROUP (dealer resmi Toyota, Daihatsu & Isuzu) yang berkantor pusat
di Jakarta Barat, membutuhkan :

Syarat :
- Pria / Wanita, Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi
- Usia max.28 tahun

- Pengalaman kerja sebagai staf acccounting min.1 tahun
- Cekatan, teliti dan mahir mengoperasikan komputer

Kirimkan CV dalam bentuk word ke : recruit@astridogroup.com
Tuliskan kode :”ACC” pada subject email.

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GOLDEN MILENIUM SECURITY, Adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak sebagai penyalur tenaga kerja di bidang Security. Yang telah bekerja sama dengan Mall-Mall besar, Hotel, Rumah Sakit, gedung-gedung perkantoran terkenal yang ada di Jakarta, Tanggerang, Depok dan Bekasi. Oleh karena itu Perusahaan kami banyak sekali membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk menjadi anggota Security.

Persyaratan Menjadi anggota Security :
01. Jenis Kelamin Pria.
02. Membuat surat lamaran kerja beserta daftar riwayat hidup.

03. Melampirkan Ijasah Asli SMP / SMA.
04. Pas Foto berwarna 4 X 6 sebanyak 4 lembar.
05. Foto Copy KTP sebanyak 4 lembar.
06. Foto Copy Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari kantor Polisi.
07. Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter / Puskesmas yang asli.
08. Tinggi badan 170 Cm (bila tinggi badan hanya 168 Cm, maka berat minimal 65 Kg)
09. Umur Maksimal 35 Th.
10. Pengalaman kerja mengenai Security tidak di Utamakan.
11. Meterai sebanyak 3 Buah.
12. Gaji yang akan diperoleh per bulan setelah bekerja Rp. 972.000 ( UMR DKI) + Lemburan.
13. Biaya baju seragam, atribut Security, pelatihan dan piagam sebesar Rp. 1.000.000 (dibayarkan di muka, uang akan di kembalikan apabila dalam ujian dinyatakan tidak lolos penerimaan).
14. Biaya administrasi sebesar Rp. 500.000 (dipotong dari gaji setelah bekerja).

Lamaran Dapat Di kirimkan langsung ke :
Gedung Plasa Lippo Lt. 5
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25
Jakarta - 12920
Hubungi : Arie
Telp : (021) 32228536
HP : 0855-1029572
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Lowongan Kerja Novotel Palembang Hotel & Residence

Novotel Palembang Hotel & Residence - Built on 9 hectares land, Novotel Palembang Hotel & Residence is located in the heart of Palembang new town centre. The perfect blend of modern style and traditional décor, it has 194 rooms of Superior, Apartments, Suites and Penthouse. It also offers comprehensive business and leisure facilities such as meeting rooms and Grand Ballroom, The Square Restaurant, Splash Pool Bar, Le Bar Lobby Lounge, SPA & Health Club as well as discotheque, karaoke, billiard, & cafe.

We are looking for a of Director of Sales who is well conversed with the industry standards & has leadership, analytical and coordinating skills. Ability to Implement excellent communication and interpersonal skills, the candidate will be in charge of the Sales & Marketing team

Position Requirements :

* Male / Female max 40 years old
* Degree or diploma in hospitality management or related sales and marketing field
* Posses 4 (four) years experience in the similar position at a 4 (four) or 5 (five) star hotel with proven tracks record
* Ability to motivate and develop the sales team
* Comprehensive computer skills
* Team player and has good managerial skills
* Proficient in written and spoken English
* Outgoing and enthusiastic personality
* Have strong leadership, strategic thinking and marketing capabilities
* Accountable for aggressively driving market penetration
* Preparation of marketing plan
* Responsible for developing market strategies and promotions for domestic and international customer automation
* Financial Budgeting and target chasing for the Department
* Constant monitoring and analysis of market trends and competitors for business development

Position Requirements :

* Male max 40 years old
* Degree or diploma in hospitality management
* Posses 4 (four) years experience in the similar position at a four or five star hotel with proven track records
* Ability to motivate and develop team
* Comprehensive computer skills
* Team player and has good managerial skills
* Proficient in written and spoken English
* Having strong leadership, outgoing and enthusiastic personality

The position is available under local contract. No accommodation will be provided.
Interested candidates, please contact:
NOVOTEL PALEMBANG Hotel and Residence
Jl. R. Sukamto No. 8A Palembang

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Lowongan Kerja PT Ethica Industri Farmasi - Sales, Pharmaceutical, Accounting, HRD

PT Ethica Industri Farmasi established in 1946 and began its journey as the first sterlie injection manufacturer in Indonesia in 1950. Now, as one of the growing fast Pharmaceutical Company, we need highly potential and dynamic person to grow with us, for the following positions:

Requirements :

* Male/ Female, max. 28 years old
* Diploma/ Bachelor degree from any major
* Have own motorcycle and C driving license

Requirements :

* Male, max. 35 years old
* Bachelor degree from any major
* 3 years experience as Area Manager in the pharmaceutical industry

Requirements :

* Male/Female, max. 35 years old
* Bachelor degree in Accounting / Management from reputable university with min. GPA 2,75
* Min. 1 year exp. as finance staff
* Computer Literate
* English Literate

Requirements :

* Female, max. 28 years old
* Min Diploma 1 from any major
* Computer literate

Payroll Executive (PE-DB)
Requirements :

* Female, max. 28 years old
* Bachelor degree in Accounting / Management from reputable university with min. GPA 3,00 Fresh Graduates are welcome
* Tax knowledge is a must
* Computer Literate
* English Literate

General Accounting Section Head (GASH-DB)
Requirements :

* Male/Female, max 35 years old
* Bachelor degree in Accounting
* Tax knowledge
* Min 4 years experience in accounting, with at least 2 years experience as accounting section head

Requirements :

* Male/ female, max. 30 years old
* Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable university, with min. GPA 2.75
* 2 years experience is preferable

Requirements :

* Female, max. 27 years old
* Bachelor degree from Psychology, with min GPA 3.00
* Minimum 1 years experience as HR Staff, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
* Experience in handling Psychological Assessment
* Computer & English literate


* Male, max. 28 years old
* Bachelor degree from any major, with min GPA 2.75
* Minimum 1 years experience as GA staff, especially in handling Security, Building, and environment maintenance
* Computer & English literate

Please state the code and send your application letterwith CV, recent photograph, copy of ID card, not later than 16 January 2009 to:
PO BOX 1049 - JAT 13010
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